36. models & tics

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Wish I could be, a little bit braver
A little more sooner, a little more cooler
- Kehlani, Let me Live.

Saturday morning, I'd just fixed a breakfast of nutella pancakes and poured myself a cup of orange juice. I sat down to eat when Tanner walked in groggily.

"Ugh, Renee, you're such a sweetheart for making breakfast," he kissed the top of my head as I took a sip of my juice, a smile on my face.

"What are you doing today since you don't have to work?" He asked, putting some pancakes to his plate and pouring a cup of orange juice for himself.

I swallowed the pancake I chewed on, looking at him, "Well, I'm going to be a model for the day."

"What do you mean?"

"So, River wants to take pictures of me for his upcoming photography website."

"You don't like taking pictures, last I remember," he raised an eyebrow at me.

I shrugged, "I told River, but he still insisted and wants to see for himself, which he'll regret when he sees the outcome."

"It can't be so bad, though."

"I'm scared of how ridiculous I might look," I admitted.

"Renee, you're a beautiful girl, I've always told you since you were little. You have nothing to be worried or scared about. I'm happy he got you to take pictures, though, especially since it's not your favorite thing to do."

"It's like he used a charm on me."

"You know, someone told me that if a person gets you out of your comfort zone to do productive stuff, you should never let that person go," Tanner said, looking at me.

"It- it wasn't me, right?" I looked at him, uncertain, and he laughed, "Nope. But you do know I'm referring to River, right?"

I chuckled, "Yeah."

"Good. Just checking."

I went quiet before asking, "Was it Zee?"

"Was it Zee who did what?"

"Who told you about not letting a person go if they did that," I looked at him.

"Oh no," he shook his head. "It was Edward. Remember him?"

I smiled. I could never forget Edward... or Jesse. My brother's best friends had been the best to me when I was younger.

"Had he been referring to Zee?"

"Yeah," he nodded. "You know I've just dated one girl asides Kendall," he paused. "I was never going to consider working anywhere. The plan was just to finish university and stay home to see what happened next, but she made me realize it made no sense. So, she pushed me put of my comfort zone which then, was this house, my bed and just the thought that I didn't want to do anything, and she made me try out for Sony. And I'm here today, doing a job I love and I'm very happy doing it," he paused again. "I just hope she's making it big and doing what she loves."

It took me everything not to bring her up. I swallowed, he had no idea how good she was doing.

I felt Tanner pull my cheek, "Who knows, you might enjoy being River's model and be the next Kendall Jenner."

"Because your girlfriend's name is Kendall? No, I'll take Hailey Baldwin."

He chuckled, "I didn't even think of that."

"How long has it been since you heard from Edward or Jesse?" I asked him.

"Honestly, it's been a while."

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