27. progress & excitements

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❝Heart, don't let me trust these butterflies
- Zendaya, Butterflies.

"River's been looking," Zuri said to me in a sing song voice.

"God, no," I said back through clenched teeth.

"I'm serious, though."

I knew she was. I could feel his gaze on me from time to time and when he did, I would pretend to laugh at something Zuri or Marnie had said.

I couldn't believe I was doing this. In fact, I couldn't believe I agreed to do it, but I trusted Kaleb more than anything and this would just have to turn out good.

"Hey, Zuri, get back to your place behind the counter now, would you?" Sky called to her and I chuckled as Zuri grumbled and walked back to her spot.

Now all I had to do was think of a way to leave without  River noticing because I knew he would come after me. As soon as Sky told me I could get have the rest of the day to myself, I bit my lip and threw a quick glance at River who was now focused on his drawing. Now was a good time. I grabbed my bag and was set to leave when I remembered the place River had shown me the other day. The part of the bakery that was outdoor. I would take that route. Oh God, I felt like a burglar.

Was doing this even good for me?

I was about to leave when I heard Sky call, "Hey, Renée wait."

I liked back at her as she walked briskly to me.

"I'm really sorry if it seems like I'm intruding," she started, "But is there something wrong between you and River?"

I chuckled, "Of course not. Why would you think that?"

"Well, things just seem different between you two. Just as Zuri said earlier, he really was looking at you at intervals, but you looked like you didn't care."

"Maybe I don't?" I said, trying to sound like I was joking.

Sky laughed, "That's not true."

She was right. Ever since that Friday when I'd seen him kiss that girl, he had been on my mind even more. I didn't understand why.

I laughed as well, "Really, though. It's nothing. Everything's fine."

"If you say so. I'll see you tomorrow, plus maybe I'll let you take a scone home."

I nodded, chuckling, "Yeah, you better." Then I turned to leave.

"Why are you taking that way out?" Sky asked.

I opened my mouth and looked at her, shaking my head. "Nothing. I heard there's a way out through there and I want to go through there for once because, you know, I've never gone through that place before."

I was such a rambling liar.

But at least, I was able to leave without River actually noticing.


The following days, I'd been doing a good job in making River jealous — I think. But it was as hard as writing a math test when I had to act like I wasn't paying him any attention.

Everything had been going well every other work day and just when I thought I would have made it through the week without speaking to River, Friday spoilt it all.

I walked out of the bakery through the front door seeing that River wasn't seated where he usually sat so I assumed he'd gone to the rest room. I'd barely started my actual journey home when I heard the familiar voice call my name.

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