16. red velvet & sisters

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❝Sweet like candy, but he's such a man❞
- Ariana Grande, Moonlight.

River and I had spent the next two hours roaming the art gallery, talking and laughing over random things that popped into our heads.

"Hey there's a place where they sell great frozen yogurt. We should go there."

"Sure," I nodded.

River led me to a small shop for frozen yogurt and requested for two red velvet flavors. I remembered it was not a date, so I had some money in my hand to pay.

"It's okay. I got it," I heard River say as he stretched out some dollar bills  to the cashier behind the counter.

"You better finish this on time, because once I'm done with mine, I'll be pouncing on yours," he joked as he handed me my tub of frozen yogurt.

I chuckled, taking it from him as I playfully rolled my eyes, "I'd love to see you try."

I spooned some of the yogurt in my mouth and let it melt on my tongue. It tasted a lot like a red velvet cake and it absolutely satisfied my sweet tooth, "Tastes good."

"Tastes amazing," he countered, also taking a spoon of frozen yogurt into his mouth, "So, how about your friend? The one you were upset with," he asked.

"We're good now," I nodded, a grin on my face as I thought of Kaleb, "Still some appeasing to be done."

"Oh yeah? How?" He looked amused.

"Well, first off, donuts and coffee for a week—"

"Ooh," he wiggled his eyebrows, "Coffee girl."

"Hell yeah, I am. I've loved coffee for the longest," I giggled. "I think my brother rubbed that off on me."

"Coffee makes me sleep. Does that happen to you?"

I laughed, "What kind of a human are you?"

"Clearly, one with a different body system," he said and we both laughed. "What else are you being appeased with, though?"

"A game of Madden —"

"No freaking way," he stopped in his tracks, an amused look on his face, "You love Madden?"

"I am undefeated in Madden," I said proudly.

"No, I am undefeated in Madden."

I shook my head, "I refuse to believe that."

"What's there not to believe? I'm great at it."

"Well, you're telling someone who's more than great at it, so there's no way I can accept that."

"But, whoa. I'm surprised. I've never seen a girl who loved Madden before."

I shrugged, a grin on my face. "I remember watching my brother play lots of video games with his best friends when I was younger," I looked at him, "Do you have siblings?"

He nodded. "Three. A younger sister, and an older brother and sister. They're twins."

"That's really cool," I countered as I couldn't help but wonder if the girl saw with in Salt and Straw was his younger sister, "I love twins. They're usually really adorable."

"Not my siblings," he laughed lowly. "They could be devils."

After talking more and unconsciously getting to know more about each other, River's phone rang. He took his phone out from his pocket and swiped a finger across the screen, raising the phone to his ear. "Hey. Yeah. No, I can't," he seemed frustrated as he rubbed his temples. "Really?" His  shoulders sagged, "Fine. I'm coming."

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