25. ditched parties and third steps

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❝All I got is these broken clocks, I ain't got no time, just burning daylight❞
- SZA, Broken Clocks.

"Rae, you made it!" Kaleb grinned the moment I walked through the front door.

The party was already in full swing. The living room was a bit full and so was every other place in the house probably. The basketball team usually hosted big parties.

I rolled my eyes at Kaleb, "Yeah, yeah."

"What changed your mind, though?" He asked, raising a can of Mountain Dew to his mouth.

"I'll tell you about that later. I don't even want to think about it right now."

"Here," he handed his drink to me and I took it from him, taking a long sip.

I could handle parties at Kaleb's. Anything else could be done apart from drink alcohol. I knew some guys would probably bring some alcohol over, but Kaleb himself never hosted a party and served alcohol.

"Hey, there's some spaghetti and grilled chicken in the kitchen if you're hungry. Mom made some before leaving," Kaleb told me.

"Great. I'm starved. After that I'm going up to your room to crash."

"You won't be here?"

I shrugged, "I'm here if you think about it. Just not here. I think I just really need sleep right now."

"Alright, sure," he said before quickly making his way to where everybody was.

Greeting a few people as I walked to the kitchen, I got there and dished some spaghetti and a chicken in a plate. After eating the spaghetti, I took the chicken in my hand and decided it was time to go up to Kaleb's room. I chewed mindlessly as I made my way to his room. Honestly, I didn't want to sleep. I just didn't want to be in the party. Why do that when I could be sat up in Kaleb's bed, eating chicken and scrolling through Twitter.

With my free hand, I pushed the door to Kaleb's room open and my eyes widened, "Oh my God, I'm so sorry." I immediately shut the door.

I couldn't believe my eyes. That was a guy seated on Kaleb's bed with... Harper on his lap, his head buried in her neck. Was that Jace? It most likely was. I shrugged. Not that it was exactly my business, but then, if that was Jace, how were they doing that? Last I remember, Harper was even scared to talk to him.

I got to the stairs and not wanting to go down, I sat on it and took a huge bite of my chicken.

"Why are you sat here eating a chicken?" I heard a familiar voice ask.


I chuckled and answered him, "Don't judge. I was hungry."

He laughed lowly as well and sat right beside me, the scent of his cologne filling my nostrils. "When did you get here?"

"Not long ago. Hey, I didn't get to thank you again for the chocolates. I loved them."

"It's nothing," his voice was low. "Apparently, Kaden loved them too."

I opened my mouth then shook  my head, "I'm sorry... Kaleb. Kaleb's an idiot."

He nodded, a smile on his face, "Yeah, he is. I'll never count that against you, though. I'm just glad you loved the chocolates. I used the help of my sisters."

"You didn't have to go through all that stress, you know," I nudged his side, smiling.

"It wasn't stressful if you think about it. Besides, I don't mind. I really like you, bubbles," he said and then in a low voice, he added, "I have for a while now."

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