6: "im such a dissapointment"

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tw rape mention

i came home feeling sick but relieved.

"hey darling" brendon called from the living room. i walked inside and sat on the floor next to his legs. "did you have fun?" he asked.
"a lot" i said quietly.
"whats wrong?" he noticed my tone and put his remote control down. i hugged my knees and didn't respond.

"hey" he knelt down beside me.
"i need to tell you something"
"sure go ahead" he insisted. i couldn't look at him.
"i went to new york three months ago. a-and it was really late. some guy tried to r-rape me in an alleyway" i stammered.
"oh my god"
"i stabbed him and ran away"
"appendix. with my keys"
"oh my god love, im so sorry" he hugged me. "is that what you've been getting nightmares about?" i nodded.
"it was so scary" i whispered.
"it won't happen again darling. okay? i won't let it happen again" i nodded at what he said. he released and turned his game off.

"maybe i should book for molly tomorrow" he decided.
"please" i said. then i sighed. "im such a disappointment"
"no you're not. okay? i love you"
"don't you get mad at me?"
"i'll only get mad at you if you act like a shitty person" i knew what he meant. "and you're not a shitty person. you're sweet, loving human being"
"i feel like such a disappointment"
"well you're not. i love you so much"

darling | brendon urie | sequel to "strawberries"Where stories live. Discover now