16: "she's really...clingy"

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"how are you both?" molly asked as we sat down. i clutched brendons arm.
"im good" he said awkwardly.
"and dylan?" she saw i was quiet.
"shes really...clingy" he gulped.
"it could be her separation anxiety. she was away from home a lot. has it only been with you?"
"her girlfriend too and best friend"

brendon left the room after five minuets to use the bathroom. i felt tears in my eyes. how long would he be gone for? molly tried talking to me but i felt a panic attack coming on.
brendon came back and hauled me out to calm me. it ended with me crying into his arms. "c'mon lets get you home" he wiped my tears and led me to the car. he put on some ariana grande to make me feel better.

we got home and i ran to my room. i locked myself in and wept. why couldn't i be normal? why did i have to have all these stupid mental illnesses?
"dylan? can i come in?" sarah knocked on the door gently. i kept crying but eventually got up and opened the door.
"hey its okay" she hugged me. "you're gonna be okay" i listened to what she was saying and let it all out.
"you wanna come sit downstairs with me and brendon?" she asked.

i was way too clingy towards brendon. he probably finds me annoying.
"i don't wanna intrude" i stammered. she smiled fondly.
"you're not. i promise"
she led me downstairs and brendon was on the couch hugging a pillow. i sat on the arm chair awkwardly while sarah went to pee. he spotted me and gestured me over. i got up and sat next to him.
"guess what?" he asked. i looked at him blankly.

"i love you" he put the pillow down and faced me properly. "and you fucking got this" he pulled me into his arms and hugged me. sarah walked in laughing as she drank her margarita.

darling | brendon urie | sequel to "strawberries"Where stories live. Discover now