22: "dylan wait! im sorry!"

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tw anorexia

"dylan c'mon you gotta get up!" sarah exclaimed. i turned over and paid no attention. she sighed. "brendon! a little help?" she called my dad.
"i guess she can't let jessica stay over tonight" he said loudly. i rolled out of bed and fell on the floor with a thud. "no!" i exclaimed. i heard him laugh. i crawled to the bathroom tiredly.

i got changed into a black jumpsuit, a white turtleneck and black socks. i brushed my hair, styled it and did my make up. i just put on some eye liner and mascara then went to eat. i hadn't been eating properly lately and was underweight so sarah had made me a diet plan so i'd get back to a healthy weight.
for breakfast she'd made me avocado on toast and hummus with carrots. a smoothie sat beside the plate. i thanked her and sat opposite my dad. i ate slowly as the food was really good but left half my smoothie and a few carrots. brendon was on his laptop humming, drinking coffee.

i was about to go to my room when brendon called me back.
"hey uh we haven't hung out in a while. you wanna maybe go get some food later?" he asked hopefully.
"sure!" i replied.
"awesome" he grinned and open his arms and i jumped into them happily.

i went to my room and procrastinated for a bit. till sarah told me i had to do some school work. she put my phone in her and brendons room and i got started. i had math, english and chemistry. after two hours i was finish. my paramore CD continued playing as i went to get my phone. i took it off brendons dresser and a letter caught my eye. i tried to ignore it but i saw my name. i saw the words anorexia and hospitalised. i picked it up, my breathing out of control.p

"dylan what are you doing?" i turned to see my dad.
"why didn't you tell me about this!?"
he saw what i was holding.
"you were not supposed to find that..." he said.
i screwed it up with one hand. "you didn't bother to tell me im this close to being anorexic!?" i exclaimed.
"i didn't want to worry you!" he said.
"well thanks for that!" i threw it on the floor and headed out.
"dylan wait! im sorry!"
"so what now? im gonna be hospitalised?"
"no! no of course not!" he gabbled. i breathed.
"i just cant believe you'd hide this from me"
"dick move. i know" he said shamefully.
"oh and by the way i dont wanna hang out today!" i walked into my room and locked it.

darling | brendon urie | sequel to "strawberries"Where stories live. Discover now