4: "my best friends back!"

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sexual content ahead oopiesssi woke up screaming the next day.

brendon comforted me and calmed me as my panic attack took control. after finally being okay we went downstairs. sarah had made me some breakfast, so kindly. i sat down and ate, shaking a little. it was weird to be home and eating proper food. i clenched my left fist but brendon noticed and put his hand in mine under the table.

soon there was shouting and knocking at the door. i knew who it was. sarah got up to answer it. i got up, standing in the kitchen doorway, as she opened the door. justin was standing there. we locked eyes and i immediately felt better.
"my best friends back" he ran towards me and engulfed me into his arms. i held onto him like he was the only thing that mattered in the world.

we pulled away and he sniffled.
"im so glad you're okay" he hugged me again. i didn't really know what to say. i was so anxious.
"hey uh she's really tense" brendon said to him. he looked at me. "go get dressed okay? then you two can hang out" i nodded and went to my room.

i got into a yungblud sweater, black leggings and black socks. i then went to my record player and selected a vinyl. i chose "pray for the wicked" and let brendons voice soar through my room. i laid back on my duvet, staring at the ceiling.

there was a knock at my open door soon enough. i sat up and saw justin.
"hey" he said. i waved lightly. "so uh...how are you?" he asked. i shrugged. "back to the silent treatment?"" he joked. i rolled my eyes. he laughed and sat beside me. "its good to see you again"

"i got a new girlfriend a couple of months ago. suzy. she's really awesome" he told me. "oh and speaking of girlfriends, yours told me to pass you along a message...she loves you"

jessica. oh sweet jessica. her gorgeous dark hai, her luscious lips. her dazzling eyes and perfect smile. the sweet kisses, the passionate love making, the warm hugs... even thinking about it made me want it. i loved her.

"i...need to see her" my voice was shaky.
"yeah of course" he said. he slid his hand into mine. i squeezed his, knowing i could trust him with everything.
we arrived at her house and her mom opened up. she was shocked when she saw me but greeted me kindly and ushered justin to the kitchen asking about his art...she knew i needed to be alone.

i darted up the stairs and opened the door decorated with rainbows and music notes and there she was. sitting on the floor cross legged like an angel, drawing a picture of two girls kissing.
"jessica" i managed to slip out. she looked at me in shock. she got up before i ran towards her and smashed our lips together.

the kiss was deepened and five minuets later i was sat on the bathroom counter, my underwear on the floor, begging for mercy as she worked her ways to pleasure me. i watched her every move, falling more and more in love with her as every second passed.

lol i lowkey wanna write some sexy ass chapter for them but idk

darling | brendon urie | sequel to "strawberries"Where stories live. Discover now