Chapter 1

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(Chandelier photo above)

~Chandelier's POV

I woke up late quite late, looking over at the clock on my nightstand, I rolled my eyes at it. The time was 8:55am or thereabout but who cares? This would be my last few days in Washington DC before we'd be moving to our old house in Texas. I can wake up late for all I care.

No offense meant Dad.

I lay back on my bed thinking about everything that had happened these past few weeks. From our standard of living dropping drastically, to my parents telling my brother, Alex and I that we will be moving to Texas.

How disappointing right? I know!

Although I know the reason why we're suddenly moving. Six months ago the company where my father worked was sold to a British investor, who reform the company and most of it's workers were sacked, including my father.

Ever since he lost his job, he never got a good job to pay for our house mortgage. Most of the responsibilities fell on mother, but she hardly earn enough herself.

Times were hard for us, but come on, the last thing I expected of my parents is moving us all the way to Texas. I mean, Texas of all places. The City of Cowboys!

Ugh, how I hate cows!

Wait, what has cows got to do with anything?!

"Ugh, what a bad day today's gonna be" I sighed, staring up at the ceiling.

My mind wandered to yesterday when I saw Maison, my best friend since childhood in tears for the first time ever. He couldn't handle the sad news of us moving. I hate to see Maison sad and I hate that I'm gonna miss him. I know he'd miss me more. I wish there was something I could do.

"CHANDELIER!" Mom yelled my name from downstairs.

"What now?" I groaned, throwing a pillow over my face. I managed to get out the bed, scuffing my feet on the floor as I walked to the door. "Be there in a minute mom!" I yelled on the top of my voice.

I sluggishly went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. When I finished, I washed my face and went back into my room. I thought about changing from nightwear into something else for a while. I discarded the thought of it and remained in my pyjamas.

Mom was already setting up the dining table so I sat at the kitchen island. "Good morning Mom" I said groggily.

"Good morning sweetheart. What's with the long face?" she pouted teasingly.

"I don't know, maybe it's because we're moving half way across the country to wherever Texas is located" I said, rolling my eyes.

"Don't roll your eyes on me young lady, and there's nothing wrong with Texas." She scorned. She let out a breath, before smiling. "It'll be fun, you'll see" she grinned.

"Ugh, no it won't" Alex said from the sitting room.

I had no idea he was there anyways.

"Why not, Mr. Smart guy?" Mom said, folding her arms across her chest, as if Alex could see her from the sitting room.

"Uh, maybe it's because Texas is filled with countrymen and it's like a village to me. And I like big cities like Washington better" Alex yelled over his breath.

"Okay that's enough" Mom snarled. "I need you two to go upstairs and pack all your stuffs. I won't have you two delay us when the loaders arrives tomorrow"

"Like we have a choice not to" I mumbled.

"Say what now?" Mom scowled at me.

"I said that I love the way Dad loves you" I snickered, trying to hold back the laugh at the back of my throat.

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