Chapter 5

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*at lunch break*

~Chandelier's POV

Science was our last class before lunch break. The whole period went in a blur. I thought about the "welcome gossip" that I received this morning. I hated how students were gossiping when I walked pass them in the hallways.

Not all the gossips were hates though but still, I just wish they'd leave it alone. I mean every school girl was once 'a new girl' in school right?, So why make a big deal out of mine?

The bell rang and all the students packed their books and started leaving the classroom to the cafeteria. I took my time so everyone would leave the classroom first, I hated the rush.

Soon everyone were out of the classroom except a boy who was standing by the door, with his eyes fixed on his phone.

I put my books and phone in my bagpack and hung it over one shoulder. I walked towards the door to exit the classroom.

"New girl?" The boy suddenly spoke up.

I jumped, snapping my head at him, I glared at the boy for startling me. I wasn't expecting him to talk to me, so yeah, I was shocked.

"I'm sorry, did I startle you?" he apologised, shooting me a smile.

"Hell yeah, you did!" I grunted, mentally rolling my eyes.

"But you saw me standing at the door, didn't you? So why would you still be shocked when I spoke to you?" he inquired, still keeping the smile on his face.

"Uh, maybe because I wasn't expecting you to talk to me" I mumbled, not in the mood to return the smile.

"I'm Pete by the ways" he muttered.

"Chandelier" I blurted.

He stressed out his hand for an handshake. I glared at his outstretched hand, then back at him. Shrugging it off, I shook his hand.

"So I guess you're going to the cafeteria?"

"Yeah?" I looked at him under my lashes.

"It's this way" he said, gesturing the 'lady's first' thing.

I went out the door first and he followed closely behind. We walked down the hallway, took the turn by the left and soon we arrived at the cafeteria.

The students were sited at their tables, eating and chatting with friends. Some heads turned towards us as we went into the cafeteria. I could see admiration in the eyes of some of the students while others were just hate.

I saw Alex sitting at a table with three girls. The girls were giggling to whatever Alex was saying to them.

Wait, are those the same girls he was talking to this morning at the hallway?

Well, I guess he's 'blending in' after all.

Pete and I stopped at the vendor's counter to buy lunch. I ordered for French fries and chicken sauce, and green juice. Pete bought burgers, sausage roll, cheese and a bottled water. We stood, waiting, as the vendor set our orders in two trays.

"You can sit at our table" Pete said.

"Our table?" I repeated, puzzled.

"Uh, my friends and I usually sit at the table at the left over there" he pointed out.

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