Chapter 11

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( Cindy photo above)

*At the gym*

~Chandelier's pov



"New girl, right?"

"Yeah?" I said more like a question.

I'm getting quiet tired of being called 'new girl.' I mean, I've been in this school for three weeks now, what's so new about that?

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to call you new girl, I mean you've been in this school for weeks now, so..." the female basketball captain said. "I'm Cindy by the ways, and this is Annabella and Christabella"

"Most people just call us the Bella twins" Christabella said grinning

"I'm Chandelier"

We had just finish the female basketball rehearsal at the gym. I was about leaving just before these ladies walked up to me.

"Nice to officially meet you" Cindy said

"Yeah, you too" I said back.

Did I just say that? Did I mean what I just said?

Of course I don't stupid, courtesy only demands the respond, I reasoned in my head.

I really hate that voice in my head. I suppressed the urge to roll my eyes at it.

"I uh, I couldn't help but notice your moves during rehearsal" Cindy said, "You have great moves. Did you play basketball in your previous school?"

"No. I wasn't in the team or anything. I only watched my best friend play basketball."

"Gee, that's like so impressive" Christabella said grinning.

Drama queen.

"Thank you" I said.

"Well, you did great. You and few other girls really impressed our couch."

"You think so?"

"Think so? I don't think so, I know so! I'm the female captain remember? I know when couch Simon is impressed"

"I never knew" I faked a smile pretending to be interested in this little girls talk.

"So, we were wondering how you'd like to join us in making our school remain the national champion?" Cindy said.

"How so?" I said, unlsure what she meant.

"West-End High School has been the National Champion for 3 years in a row. One of the government grants to the National Championships is scholarships to half the students. And we, the basketball team like to make our school remain the Champion, for as long as we can" She snugged on the last words.

"Oh, I see. So, I have to do something?" I inquired, creasing a my brows.

"Oh, it's nothing mandatory. It's just a gospel I like to preach to every new member of the team. Usually not everyone is interested, but we have the blessing of Couch Simon. He totally endorses it."

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