Chapter 14

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(Cindy car's photo above)

~Catherine's pov

I sat in the cafeteria with my friends, Kylie, Genesis, Eva, Tanya and Kristine. We were having a conversation, but I wasn't saying much. I had a lot on my mind. I kept using my fork to spun my French fries around, I had no appetite to eat.

My thoughts wandered back to the incident this morning at the parking lot, Cindy showing off her new car. Words ain't enough to describe what I was feeling. The anger, the rage, hate, and jealousy?

That bitch was flaunting her new car in school. She can show off her riches everywhere she goes, she can even try to compete with me for popularity, but I know for sure that she is nothing without her father. She's living under the umbrella of her father's wealth. Unlike me, I'm strong, when I see something I want, I go get it. I'm not a cry baby like Cindy. I'm desperate and that makes me better than her.

"Hey Cat" Kristine snapped her finger at my face, bringing me out of my thought.

I blinked twice.

"Are you ok?" Kristine narrowed her eyes, staring at me under her lashes. I sighed thoughtfully, biting on my lower lip. The girls all stared blankly at me, as if I was about to give a speech. Actually, I was.

"You know what?" I started. "I think we may have underestimated Cindy, I must give her the credit. The bitch is diving into a river she can't swim!"

I bit my lower lip again in agony. I knew what was in front me, I could see it clearly, and it's a war. But I'm ready to fight it, no matter what I have to lose!

"She's so pathetic" Eva spat.

"I don't know about being pathetic but I know that whatever game she's playing seem to be working out for her" Kylie said

"So, what are you saying?" Eva shot at Kylie.

"All I'm saying is, whatever we plan on doing, we better get at it fast because Cindy is waxing stronger"

"Guys, what if we sabotage her reputation for good" Genesis perked up. "Let's make everyone hate her."

I drowned out their voices. My thoughts can't seem to move away from Cindy. I want to hurt her, and I meant hurting her real bad. I knew this is the moment when my genius brain needs to work the magic out...

"Speak of the devil" Kristine's voice erupted my thoughts, bringing me back to reality.

I snapped my head toward the entrance door of the cafeteria. I saw Cindy and the Bella twins pave way to the vendor's store. I glared at them. I knew I shouldn't be seen staring at them but I let my hate lead me at the time.

"Ugh, she makes my stomach twitch" Eva scoffed.

"Tell me about it" I mumbled, resisting the urge to roll my eyes.

"If you ask me, I'd say sometimes people who don't deserve wealthy parents are the ones born into wealthy families."

"Right about that" Tanya put up a finger in agreement.

"Which is why I said the only way to beat her is to break her" Genesis cut in. "We could make up a bad story about her. Something really bad, that will make everyone hate her."

Genesis might be right.

Kylie and Tanya's phone buzzed, notifying a message simultaneously, must be a coincidence. I was about to ignore it when Genesis's phone buzzed too. And then Eva's phone...

It was then it occurred to me that everyone's phone was getting the same message. My phone buzzed and I picked it up to read the context and so did everyone else.

you're invited to Cindy's car bash party.
Party's on Friday at Cindy's residence.
Time: 8pm till dawn.
There'll be room reservations in case anyone is too drunk to drive home (alcohol available)

I smirked after reading the text. Kylie and Genesis are my closest friends so they know my 'I've got a plan' face.

"OMG! I know that face!" Genesis gasped, pointing a finger at me.

"What? What face?" Tanya questioned confusingly.

You've got a plan, I know you've got a plan'" Genesis said completely ignoring Tanya's question.

"You bet" I said proudly

"Does it have anything to do with Cindy's party?" Kylie raised an eyebrow

I smirked. "Guess what girls. We got a party to attend."

* * * * *

~Chandelier's pov

I packed my books immediately the bell rang. I hurried out of the classroom to the cafeteria. As strange as it sounds, I'm never in hurry to leave the class, but today was different. Selene told me she'd be in school today and for some reason I wanted to see her and be sure she was okay.

I was in so much hurry to get to the cafeteria, I probably missed Selene too much. I took a left turn at the end of the hallway in so much haste that I bumped into two students making out by their lockers.

"I'm so sorry" I apologized and ran off, leaving the love birds to their business.

Getting to the cafeteria, students were all settled at their preferred tables. I glanced to our table, the one Pete and his friends usually sit. I saw Pete's friends but no sign of Selene.

"But she said she would be in school today" I voiced my thought.

"Yes she did, and she's getting you lunch" Selene's voice came from behind me

I spun around immediately. Selene was holding two lunch trays, one on each both hand. She gave me a small smile which I returned. I took one lunch tray from her and we went to our table.

"Hey guys" I said as we settled down.



"Hey girl" they all greeted.

I kept the tray on the table, but I wasn't sure which one was for me. She understood my look and immediately pushed the tray she carried to me.

"This is yours." she smiled, taking the tray I had carried. "And this is mine"

"Thank you" I smiled, "it seems like I'm having cheese and burger for lunch today"

"Bon appétit" Selene grinned.

We ate mostly in silence. It kind of felt awkward without Pete. He was always the one who brought everyone together. It really felt like eating among strangers, but I think everyone missed him.

The silence at our table seem to last forever until our phones started buzzing one after the other, breaking the long silence.

I brought out my phone from my backpack. It was a message notification. The way everyone's phone buzzed, I knew we all received the same message. I read mine silently, as did everyone.

you're invited to Cindy's car bash party.
Party's on Friday at Cindy's residence.
Time: 8pm till dawn.
There'll be room reservations in case anyone is too drunk to drive home (alcohol available)

That was when it hit me. I haven't told Cindy that I'm joining the The Dragon team.

"Oh, Cindy" I gasp

"What? Are you going to her party?" Selene said under her breath.

"No that's not it. I just remembered I haven't told her that my parents permitted me to join The Dragon's Junior team."

"That's cool, but, why does it matter to tell Cindy?" Selene furrowed her brows

"It was Cindy who told me about The Dragons the first place. It's a thing she tells every new teammate, and I said I'd have to tell my parents first"

"Oh, I see"

"Well I see she's quite busy right now" I said looking over at Cindy's table. She was in a chatty mood with the Bella twins. "I'll just text her when I get home instead"

The bell rang, indicating end of lunch break.

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