Chapter 44

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(Maison photo above)

[Three months later]

*Chandelier's room*

~Chandelier's POV

I lay down on my bed, staring at the ceiling. I have grown quieter and lonelier over the month. My thoughts became my best friend as I did nothing but think most of the time. For what it's worth I don't care about prom tonight. Honestly Selene has been calling all day but I ignored it anyways. I didn't have the strength to tell her I'm not going to prom, I hope she figures it out.

I was drawn out of my thoughts by a loud knock on my door, "Who's there?" I growled

"Hey Chandelier, your friends are waiting downstairs you know?" Alex announced

"Alex, just tell them I'm sick and can't go to prom" I said on top of my voice

"I heard that!" Selene yelled

Oh fuck!

I mentally face-palm myself, "Selene I'm sorry, but I can't go to prom. What's there to celebrate? Please just go, have fun. I'm fine alone"

"uh!" Selene grumbled, I heard their footsteps descending downstairs.

I huffed out, I don't see what's there to celebrate in prom and besides, I'm still grieving plus I'm not a party girl. I couldn't even celebrate my own 18th birthday last month. So why should I go to prom? I heard footsteps coming upstairs, I sighed.

Selene doesn't just give up, does she?

Well, I'm not bothered. She couldn't make me celebrate my 18th birthday last month, and she still can't make me go to prom tonight.

As expected, there was a loud knock on my door. "What?!" I yelled more angry than calm. "I told you okay? I'm not going to prom and I'm not gonna open that door!"

"You're not gonna open the door for me?" a familiar bass voice said, a very, very, very familiar voice. I jumped out of my bed on hearing the voice.

Could that be? No, no way! That can't be...

"MAISON?!" I yelled more like a question.

I ran to the door without waiting for an answer, I unlocked the door and my eyes widened at the sight of Maison. I jumped on him with so much force that we both fell to the floor. Well, he fell to the floor while I fell on top of him. I didn't care that everyone was watching. I just hugged him tight while we were still on the floor.

"Maison" I said in a sob.

"Hush Chandie, it's okay" Maison parted my back.

We broke from our hug, I got off of him and helped him up. I looked around and saw the smirky smile on everyone's face, Selene, Pete, Claire and Alex. I blushed and looked to the ground. I've never felt this embarrassed before.

"How come I never knew you were coming?" I fake frowned at Maison.

"It's called surprise for a reason. I reached out to Alex, and I asked him to help me plan a surprise visit for you. He wasn't sure when was the best time but he said he knew someone who might. That's when he introduced me to your friend, Selene. So the plan was for me to be your surprise date to prom, but you ruined it" Maison explained

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