Chapter 20

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Cindy was almost pulling me as we struggled pass the people dancing. We stepped on a lot of foots, people were literary shoving us left and right. We struggled to get pass them. We both exhaled deeply when we got outside. Cindy laughed heartily.

"That was one hell of a passage in there." Cindy said while trying to catch her breath.

"So, who are we meeting again?" I shrugged.

"I said earlier that I wanted you to meet someone. Well, I take that back. You're not meeting 'someone' but everyone." Cindy said, using her fingers to quote in the air.

"Everyone?" I repeated more like a question.

"Yes. Everyone as in the team. Well, not everyone on the team are here though but most of our team mates are here."

"You mean the Dragon team?" I furrowed my brows.

"Yessss. The junior team." Cindy squealed. "You're on the team now, so I thought you should meet the team mates. It's ok if you don't want to, I don't..."

"No, it's fine." I cut Cindy short. "I'm on the team now right? I should meet everyone."

"Okay, let's do this!" Cindy grabbed my hand again and pulled me along with her.

The whole compound is filled with people dancing, chatting and some making out. We got to a barbecue booth just by the pool.

"Hey guys." Cindy waved at a bunch of people sitting at the booth.

"There you are!" Christy attacked me with a hug. "You look so adorable in this dress."

"Thank you." I blushed.

I blushed? Oh great, now I blush too!

What is wrong with me?

"Y'all meet Chandelier. She just joined the Dragon's junior team." Cindy took my hand pulling me a little forward. "Chandelier meet the team. You'll get to know their names eventually."

"Hi guys." I greeted.


"Welcome on board."

"Thank you." I smiled. Christy offered me a seat beside her and I sat. Thankfully everyone finally took their attention off of me and slowly resumed whatever they were doing. I have never liked the attention.

"Who wants some barbecue?" Cindy said, placing three delicious looking barbecues in front of us.

We rushed at the barbecue, devouring it among ourselves. We talked about a lot of things, mostly basketball, high school and college. Christy brought the idea that we play truth or dare. I wasn't sure about playing such games at first, but well, what the hell right?

At almost midnight, a loud cry came from the hall. Someone had pressed the fire alarm which was followed by shouting and screaming. We ran to the hall where the noise was coming from. I was shocked at the sight of fire and a stampede of people rushing out of the hall.

"What the hell happened here?" Annabella shrieked.

"Someone call 911." A voice yelled from outside.

"Oh my God! Fuck! Shit! Fuck, fuck, fuck, fuck. My parents are gonna kill me!" Cindy sat on the floor, weeping.

"Chandelier." I heard someone muttered behind me.

I turned around and saw Selene staggering on her heels. "Are you ok? Are you hurt?"

"No, I'm fine." Selene sniffed. "I need to talk to you."

I don't know what Selene want to talk about but I had a hunch that it's confidential. We walked away from Cindy and the others.

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