Chapter 2

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I stopped. I felt my temper rising at the boy hanging over my shoulder but more than that I felt amused by his antics.
Amused? Jungkook you've officially lost it. First you agree to this and now you find the guy amusing. 

I dropped the boy on his backside as if he had electrocuted me. I heard him huff as he attempted to stand up.

"Ya! As if my head wasn't hurting enough! Now my ass is hurting too!"

I turned to look at him, once again struck by the innocent features. He had long lashes that were creating half crescent shadows on his face hiding his brown eyes, a straight nose and a pair of pink lips that looked very inviting.

"Are you going to just stare at me?" He looked up at me, finally getting up off the floor.

He definitely was a sassy one.

This is going to be interesting.

I turned around and started towards the kitchen/dining room. There was only one way out of the pack house and anyone would have to cross through the kitchen to get there. Sooner or later our prisoner would wander in.

I could hear the boys arguing as I neared, not bothering to focus and hear their conversation. I knew what they were arguing about. This argument had been dragged on for too long, and only the boy behind me could put an end to it.

I felt a smirk spread on my face as I heard him moving behind me.

I entered the kitchen and everyone stilled. They were looking at me expectantly. I gave a quick nod to Joon hyung and stepped inside sitting on the chair to his left.

Jin hyung was looking flustered and I could sense his impatience by the way he was cutting the vegetables for dinner. Hobi hyung was perched on the counter eating a carrot. He gave me a quick smile and I retuned it quickly. Yoongi hyung was as usual dozing off and Joon hyung was looking at the doorway calmly.

Soon enough our guest inched his way in. I saw his eyes sweep over the entire place before resting on me. I gave him a little grin and got a grimace in return.

Everyone had turned towards him watching him cautiously.

He took slow steps towards the counter where Jin and Hobi hyung were. A low warning growl left Joon hyung's lips. Un-fazed by it, the boy just reached over and plucked an apple out of the basket in the corner. With the apple in hand he perched onto the counter just like Hobi hyung.

"'Sup." He said before biting into the apple.

There was complete silence for a second and then Jin hyung turned back to the stove and banged a pan onto the stove.

"See Joon! I told you there was no need to go to such extremes. He's obviously nothing like his father!"

I saw the boy perk up at the mention of his father. He opened his mouth to say something but Jin continued his tirade. "Look at you all. Kidnapping the poor boy when he was out having fun with his friends. We could have just talked to him at the club! But no. Mr. Alpha here wants to do nothing sensible."

We all turned towards Joon hyung, who had a pained expression on his face. He knew his mate wouldn't stop anytime soon.

"Jin. Darling..." Namjoon began before Jin cut him off again, "Don't you try to appease me with your sweet words."

Namjoon sighed, "Fine. We could have done it your way but now that he's here, can we talk now?"

I looked back at the boy who was busy eating the apple and looking at us like he was watching an interesting movie.

"Welcome to Bangtan pack's house", Namjoon began, "I apologize for how we brought you here but we had to make sure we weren't caught or followed or..."

"Or that I wasn't a threat. Got some painkillers lying around Jin hyung?" He turned towards Jin giving him a wide smile, "I have a splitting headache and some douchebag decided to add to my misery by dropping me on my ass."

I chuckled and he shot me a glare before turning back to Jin.

"Ayy. These brutes. I'll be right back." Jin hyung left the kitchen giving us all deathly glares warning us to cause no more harm.

"We need to talk." Joon hyung began again.

"I gathered. Well?"

"We heard a rumour that the Thorn pack was creating an alliance with the Black Crescent pack."

The boy instantly straightened up.

"We heard it was an alliance by marriage. You are apparently the bartering material for this marriage, Taehyung."

Taehyung raised an eyebrow before jumping off the counter and coming to sit across Namjoon.

"You seem to know a lot about me. So what if I am?" He asked Namjoon looking directly in his eyes.

"We've also heard that you're being forced by the Alpha of the Black Crescent pack into the union...Is that true?"

"What is your interest in all this?" He asked looking around us all, his eyes resting on me.

"An old bone to pick with the Thorn pack. We would love nothing more to piss off the Alpha and maybe gain an alliance too." I answered.

"How would you do that? Piss him off I mean?" He asked his face etched with a curious expression.

"I'll claim you as my mate."

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