Chapter 15

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Third person POV:

Taehyung unlatched the glass panel, stepping out onto the porch and down the steps that led to the ground.

Jungkook had released Sehun and was sauntering towards him with a cocky grin on his face. Taehyung couldn't stop admiring his glistening body, the last light of the day making it glimmer.

Like what you see?

Not at all. I'm just picking out the flaws to tell you later.

Jungkook laughed at his mate's reply.

Cheeky bastard.

Idiot asshole.

They stopped inches apart from each other.

Ready cupcake?

As I'll ever be.

Jungkook held out a hand for Taehyung, once Taehyung had placed his hand in his, he smiled and turned them towards the crowd. Taehyung realized that the crowd had been observing their exchange with great interest. Embarrassment creeped up his neck in a pretty pink shade but he lift his chin a little more. Jungkook caught the small gesture and smiled.

Namjoon stepped out of the crowd, having allowed the couple their moment. He gave a reassuring smile to Taehyung before turning back to the pack members. He cleared his throat, it was a low sound but it had an immediate effect. The members quietened down, those who were reclining, sat up, and mothers shushed their children, holding them close.

"Everyone. Two members of our pack were very lucky today..."
He nodded towards Yoongi and Jimin who moved towards Jungkook and Taehyung, their hands intertwined like the latter. Jimin looked nervous; Taehyung noticed this and passed him a smile. Yoongi paased Jungkook his t-shirt rolling his eyes. "Show-off." Jungkook just smirked.

Namjoon looked at both the couples and chuckled.
"It is true they both are lucky that the Goddess chose such beautiful mates for them, otherwise who would even look at these two."

The crowd chuckled. Yoongi and Jungkook growled lowly, smiles tugging at their lips.

Namjoon flashed a smile at them and continued, "Yoongi hyung and Alpha Jungkook found their mates today. As you can see the Goddess chose two beautiful men for them both. I would like to remind everyone here that the days of discrimination are past us. Our ancestral generations believed that same-sex mates were a...glitch in the system, and they were forced to part. Today many things have changed. It does not matter what sex your partner belongs to, it is a blessing that two mates find each other in this huge world. I hope you will welcome our new pack members, Kim Taehyung and Park Jimin, with all your heart and show them the same respect and loyalty that you show each other."

Namjoon bowed a little at the end of his speech and straightened up when he heard cheers from his pack members. Jin ran towards his mate hugging him. The crowd started to spread out. Some moved towards the food, some gathered around the bonfire while others moved towards the new members.

Taehyung was surrounded with people, he looked over at Jimin to find him surrounded too. His smile widened at the accepting behavior of the pack members.

Jungkook pulled a child away from her mother's arms. Taehyung turned towards his mate and the child he held in his arms. The little girl had her arms crossed and a pout on her face.

"What's wrong?" Jungkook asked her, "Did someone tease you? Did eomma scold you?"

"No." The girl huffed. "I don't like you Kookie."

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