Chapter 46

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Tae's POV:

I looked around the room silently. The atmosphere was solemn and grim.

Not again. I groaned on the inward.

My eyes fell to the one person who hadn't raised his head or spoken even once during the entire briefing. A strong sense of déjà vu hit me as I looked at Jungkook. We were all gathered in the Alpha's office once again, discussing the new turn of events. He stood next to the door, quite a distance away from me, as I stood next to Jimin. I was strongly reminded of when we gathered to discuss Jihoon for the first time.

"Well that's about it. We need you all to be vigilant. Be careful of everything around, especially if you're around Jungkook and Taehyung."

There were nods all around as Namjoon ended his long speech with those words.

Jungkook was the first to turn to leave the office, but I wasn't going to let him go this time. I shoved away from the wall as fast as I could. I caught his arm just as he fully stepped out of the room. I knew he could sense it was me. He didn't turn so I did the only thing I could to hold him to me. I wrapped my arms around him and clung to his back.

"Don't run away Jungkook."

I clung to him, as I felt my eyes getting wet. The silence stretched on both our parts as I tried to keep my emotions in check.

"Please Kook. I can take anything, anything, if you're standing with me."

His reply reached my ears in a strangled whisper.

"I'm not going anywhere."

"Ok." I replied.

I didn't make a move to get off his back and silence rang around us again. Jungkook twisted his neck to look at me.

"You plan to get off anytime soon?"

"Nope." I replied.

A small chuckle hit my ears.

"Ok then, I guess I have no choice but to walk on like this. We're holding up everyone else." 

I craned my neck at his words. Sure enough we were standing right outside the office door. As I turned everyone was in line of sight but busy talking to each other. I'm sure they had heard our conversation; their pretence didn't slip past me.

"Just move. I'm staying right here." I whispered to Jungkook.

His laughter rumbled deep in his chest, but he started walking forward as I clung to his back. He brought his arms back and secured them below my thighs to prop me up. I instantly buried my face in his neck. 


Lunch was a mess. As usual.

I felt laughter bubble up inside me as I watched Sehun steal food from Hoseok's plate. He caught my gaze and winked, stuffing the food into his mouth. Half the table was debating about some movie I hadn't caught the name of. Jin and Joon hyung were talking amongst themselves. Jungkook rolled his eyes at some new argument Sehun presented for the debate. He laughed and I felt my emotions clawing their way to the surface. I leaned towards his side, I felt when Jungkook stilled feeling my breath along his neck.

"I love you." I whispered into his ear. I started to straighten back to my place but a strong grip on my forearm kept me in my place.

"You cannot do something like that Taehyung and expect no consequences." Jungkook's eyes burned. I noticed a blush rising along his neck, and then he smashed his lips to mine. It was a hurried kiss, an exploding one. Jungkook replied to my words through his actions and I felt it all the way to the cells of my body.

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