Chapter 7

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I just wanted to say Hi to anyone reading this *shrug shrug* Thankyou for giving this book a chance.
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This chapter follows the text conversations  and phone calls between Jungkook and Taehyung until the day of the plan.


Sunday 2:15 a.m.

JK: Did you two get back safe? Namjoon is asking if anyone suspects anything.
T: We're good here. Nothing to worry about.
JK: Why aren't you asleep then?
T: Too much excitement I guess.
JK: Excited? For what exactly? 👀
T: Stooop! That's not what I meant. Just the events of the night catching up to me.
JK: Hahaha...Is your head ok now?
T: Yeah.
JK: Gotta go. I'm doing patrol with Yoongi hyung. Sweet dreams cupcake.

Monday 10 p.m.

T: Packed and ready. 👍🏻
JK: Good. pack light. I can get you anything else you'd need.
T: Its just one bag. There's no need for that.
JK: Just one? And that's all you need?
T: Yeah...I'm not fussy about...stuff.
JK: Even then. I'll take you shopping once you're...
T: Jeon Jungkook are you asking me out on a date?
JK: I don't do dates.
T: Just like you don't do nice? Contradictory.
JK: We'll see cupcake.

12:45 a.m.

T: Muffin?
JK: Cupcake?
T: Do you like sweet things?
JK: Sweet things?
T: Food. What kind of food do you like?
JK: umm? I like everything? Why are you asking?
T: I realised we know nothing about each other so I just asked.
JK: We know nothing about each other and you start by asking about food? I love your priorities 😂
T: Yah! Shut up. Where should I have started?
JK: Relax babes. It's a nice start.
T: Are you ok with this Kook?
JK: With?
T: The plan. The...mating. Me.

1:30 a.m.

JK: I didn't like the idea when it was discussed. The choice was given to me and Hobi hyung but Namjoon would probably have left it to you in the end if it hadn't been for me. My wolf really likes you so I told hyung that I'd do it if you accepted me. My wolf... really liked you for some reason...he can't wait for Sunday. He wants to claim you as soon as possible. umm..We're really territorial and he sees you as his own now.

Tuesday 7 a.m.

T: My wolf really likes you too.

10 a.m.

T: I guess you're still asleep. I want to talk to you. Call me when you're up but not after 7. I don't want anyone to hear us.

2 p.m.

JK: Hey. I had a long night. I'll call you in a while. Jin hyung is standing at the door glaring at me for wasting his delicious food.
JK: Jin hyung says hi.
JK: Hoseok hyung says hi.
JK: Everyone says hi.
T: Hehehe...Tell them hi from me too. I'll be waiting. Eat well!
JK: Sure.

4 p.m.

T: Hello?
JK: Hey cupcake.
T: Hi muffin.
JK: What are you upto? Why do I hear someone struggling in the background.
T: I'm just trying to smother Jimin...with my pillow.
JK: What? Why?
T: ...
T: He was trying to be funny...aaaaaaaaaaaah! Park Jimin! gedoof!
JM: Hello? Is this the famous Jungkook i've heard so much about.
JK: HAHAHA. I guess.
JM: Listen Mister. I don't have much time. You better not hurt my brother or you'll have me to answer to. Also can you...
T: Park Jimin! I dare you to complete that sentence fucker!
T: Hello?
JK: Should I call later?
T: No. Sorry about that. The midget is really strong for someone his size.
JK: Small people usually pack hell of a power. Look at Yoongi hyung.
T: uh uh yeah. So anyways...I wanted to talk to you.
JK: Don't worry. Nothing will go wrong. We've gone over the plan multiple times. I had a room cleaned out for Jimin. Uh... and I cleaned out half of my wardrobe for you too.
T: Oh. Thanks I guess. That's not what I wanted to talk about...
JK: I'm listening.
T: You said your wolf liked-likes me.
JK: Yeah. He loves your scent and the idea of claiming you.
T: Actually that's what I wanted to talk about.
JK: Tae...I can try to go slow but I'm a true-blood. My wolf is already antsy because he knows you're going to be my mate and he misses your scent. I don't know how long I can wait before...claiming you.
JK: Taehyung?
T: Yeah. That is not what I wanted to talk about. But thank you for telling me that.
JK: I just wanted to warn you that it will be very different with us because i'm a true blood. So I want you to be prepared.
T: I don't mind you being a true-blood. Do you mind? That i'm a latent?
JK: ... No. I don't mind that you're latent. I wouldn't care if you were completely latent even but i'm glad that you have werewolf abilities. I was afraid that we wouldn't be compatible...physically.
T: Oh. Kook?
JK: Yes Tae?
T: I know that your wolf likes me and wants to claim me...but I wanted to ask if you like me? You've only talked about your wolf.
JK: I like you too Taehyung. I've never been this attracted to someone before. I would never have agreed to thisjust for my wolf. Trust me.
T: Ok.. Thankyou Kook.
JK: I like it when you say my name like that.
T: Hehehe... I like it too. I gotta go. Jimin is banging on the bathroom door, he wants to come out.
JK: Hahahah...It will be very interesting to have you two here.
T: Kook? I like you too. You're pretty hot. and nice. even if you don't do nice. see you. Bye.

Wednesday 1 a.m.

JK: Sleeping?
T: Almost.
JK: Did i disturb you?
T: No, not really. My mind is occupied.
JK: What's wrong?
T: My father wants me to meet the Thorn pack's Alpha.
JK: What!! No. Abso-fucking-lutely not.
T: I can't say no Kook. He'll send Jimin in my place or he will suspect something. He's already hinted that he will force Jimin into the mating if I don't do it.
JK: Babes. Nothing will happen to you both. I won't let anyone harm you two. I made an oath.
JK: Where are you meeting him? When?
T: OH YES! Kook! Can you come? I'm meeting him at the Mist Club! Can you come please?
JK: We'll be there. When?
T: This Saturday.
JK: Don't worry. We'll be there. Sleep now.
T: Thank you. Goodnight.
JK: Sleep well cupcake.

Thursday 6 p.m.

JK: Hey cupcake.
T: Hi muffin.
JK: Everything good?
T: Yes.

11 p.m.

T: Kook?
JK: cupcake?
T: Nothing. I just wanted to hear that. 🤓

11:15 p.m.

T: Hello? Kook?
JK: cupcake.
T: hehehe...Why'd you call?
JK: Because you said you wanted to hear me call you cupcake. Why are you whispering?
T: My father's room is close by. I don't want him to hear. And I didn't know you were so...cheesy.
JK: I'm not cheesy.
T: heheh.. Yes you are.
JK: No
T: Yes
JK: No
T: Yes yes yes yes!
JK: hahaha Bye cupcake.
T: Bye bye muffin.

Friday 1:30 p.m.

JK: Tae? Are you up?
T: Yeap.
JK: I just wanted to update you. The hyungs and I will be there tomorrow with some other pack members.
T: Ok. Thankyou again Jungkook.
JK: Tae... You don't have to thank us. We protect our own.
T: Ok. Okkkkk.😬

Saturday 10 a.m.

JK: babes. You good?
T: Yes. Slightly nervous. Jimin is coming too.
JK: Maybe we'll get a chance to meet.
T: The pigs will be there and members of Thorn pack too.
JK: If we get a chance I meant.
T: Ok. I gotta go. I'm going to the graveyard. I'll see you there then.
JK: I'll be there cupcake.

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