Chapter 13

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I felt Tae's arms tighten, his hands clenching my shirt as I went faster.

Juuuuuungggggkookkk! Slow down. I'm gonna slip.

No you're not. Clench your legs around me.


Stubbornness will get you nowhere Tae.


His thighs clenched around my hips, barely there but still I felt like a current shot through me. I revved the engine, going faster making Taehyung scream. I laughed.

I liked hearing his voice in my head. My wolf was extremely happy. I could now see the familiar juniper trees surrounding our land. I was glad to be back. I was glad to have Taehyung with me, safe and sound. My feelings towards the boy had grown ever since our first encounter. That first time, I was really attracted to him but his snappy comments, his witty comebacks and his contradictory actions made me yearn for his presence more than physically.

"Taehyung we're here." I called out to him, waiting for him to remove his death grip.

Worry washed over me when he didn't answer or move. Has he fainted? What the fuck!

Then his arms moved, I felt him shift behind me and he hit the ground.

"Holy hell."

I looked at him worried.

"That. Was. Amazing!" He screamed wrapping his arms around my neck. The bike wobbled between us and he stepped away giving me a wide smile.

Well fuck. I'm abso-fucking-lutely done.

I pulled him back towards me my lips crashing against his. The world stopped. All I could feel and wanted to feel were his lips. They were soft and un-yielding, something I was going to change. I moved my lips against his urging a reaction out of him. My hands held his waist pulling him flush against my side. A moan left his lips as he started to kiss me back, his hands tangling into my hair. I could feel the lust and need running through us. I sucked on his lips running my tongue along the bottom one.
Taehyung gasped when he felt my tongue against the bow of his lips. Refusing to let the opportunity go to waste I pushed my tongue between his lips exploring him completely. Another moan left Taehyung. We were running out of breath but I didn't want to stop and from the sound of it neither did he. His tongue was battling mine for dominance but this was a battle he was going to lose.

A cough pierced our state of Euphoria. I looked behind Tae to see that Jin had arrived while we were busy. I pulled away from Tae reluctantly licking his lips before I let him go.

Momo, Sana and Hobi hyung were snickering. Jin looked at us with a smug and proud smile. Namjoon hyung just rolled his eyes and coughed again.

"I see that you've given Taehyung a very warm welcome." He said.

"You mean wet, darling." Jin hyung giggled.

Taehyung's face reddened realizing that we had an audience. I grinned down at him. "Welcome to Bangtan pack."

T's POV:

After the introductions Jungkook had led me to his room leaving me alone to shower.

I stepped out of the shower planning to raid Jungkook's cupboard for clothes. The thought made my wolf hum happily. He just wanted to be surrounded by the scent of our mate.
I snorted. I was literally already surrounded by Jungkook's scent seeing that I was in his room but my wolf wanted more.

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