chapter 14

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Third person POV:

Taehyung shifted in the bed feeling something was amiss.
This is not my bed.
His eyes flickered open and he immediately recognized his surroundings. He was in Jungkook's room, their room.

Taehyung turned a little to find that he was alone; the blankets had been pulled up around him to create a fort. His thoughts flashed back to this afternoon. He smiled remembering Jimin had found his mate and they were both safe.

Taehyung looked around the room remembering the other incident from the afternoon. Heat rose along hsi body.

After eating the noodles and gagging over Jimin and Yoongi hyung being cuddly, Jungkook and Taehyung had made it back to their room.

Once the door had closed behind them, there was a thick tension in the room. Jungkook looked unsure of  what to do too.

"I uh..I'm going to take a shower."

"Uh-uh. Oh I borrowed your clothes because my bag hadn't arrived..."

"You didn't need to ask." Jungkook smiled at him reaching forward to trace a finger along Taehyung's chin. "They look good on you."

"Yes... I'm going to unpack while you shower." Taehyung moved away from the touch as if it was going to burn him. Jungkook smiled inwardly.

Jungkook grabbed his clothes and walked into the bathroom leaving Taehyung to unpack his clothes. He was almost done when Jungkook stepped out, his hair wet and the white shirt clinging to his skin where it hadn't dried.
Taehyung had heard him shuffling in the bathroom but focused on putting his meager belongings away.

Jungkook found him kneeling infront of the cupboard, bent to place something in the farthest corner.

Taehyung. If you remain in that position any longer...I won't take responsibility for my actions.

Taehyung immediately straightened, a gasp leaving his lips as he heard Jungkook's thought echo in his mind. He swiveled around to see a very wet and aroused Jungkook leaning against the door, his eyes resting on Taehyung's back.

"Ya! Pervert."

Jungkook raised his eyebrow at the word hurled at him, "If I'm a pervert for admiring my mate's ass, I'll gladly accept the title."

Jungkook stalked forward, until he was standing above Taehyung. He reached down to caress the other's cheek, running a thumb over his lips, their first kiss fresh in his mind. To his surprise Taehyung had bunched his shirt in his hands and pulled him down making him kneel too. They were face to face breaths mingling as they looked at each other.

Taehyung joined their lips

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Taehyung joined their lips. The first kiss was Jungkook's but the second would definitely be his. He secured his hand among Jungkook's wet hair tilting the other's head and licking his lips, coaxing him to part them. Jungkook groaned, turned on by his mate's urgency and show of dominance. He parted his lips allowing Taehyung to explore his mouth. He felt Taehyung shyly enter his mouth, and then more boldly when he felt no resistance from Jungkook.

Jungkook shifted a little, pulling Taehyung in his lap so he was straddling him, their lips still connected. Jungkook moved his hands down Taehyung's arms, to his waist, his hips and finally he brushed a hand against the other's hard member. Taehyung groaned and parted their lips, their foreheads touching, both trying to catch their breath. Taehyung's groans became loud as Jungkook continued to rub him through the material of his pants.

In an instant Taehyung was on the bed, his head spinning from the sudden motion and need. He looked up at Jungkook who was hovering above him now.




Jungkook leaned down swallowing his words in a soft kiss, "I know."

Jungkook flopped back on the bed, pulling Taehyung besides him, their legs tangled.

"Sleep babe. The last two days were too tense."

Taehyung smiled as he nestled into Jungkook's heat.
Thankyou Kook. 

He had felt Jungkook's lips on his temple before he drifted off to much needed sleep.

That was the last thing he remembered.

Jungkook had gotten up before him, covering him in blankets. Taehyung snuggled further into the sheets, inhaling the scent that clung to them.

Kook? He directed his thought towards Jungkook but received no reply.

He frowned shifting in annoyance.
Jungkook you asshole! Answer when I call out to you!
Taehyung. Look outside.

Taehyung peeked over his shoulder to the wall length window to find the curtains covering up the view. He huffed at the thought of getting out of bed but he was curious. He could hear shuffling and yells too now as he focused his hearing. He grabbed the curtains and drew them away.

The ground beyond was a sight. A huge bonfire was lit, the flames licking up to the almost dark sky. Pups were hollering and running around. Tables of food were spread around the bonfire. But the bonfire and food was left unattended as everyone formed a ring to the right of the ground. Two people who were in combat. Taehyung looked around searching for Jungkook. His eyes landed on familiar faces, he saw Jimin leaning agsint Yoongi. Hoseok was next to them yelling out moves at the combatants. He couldn't see Jungkook. A cheering sound rose up and Taehyung focused on the two people in the center and his breath stopped.

Jungkook was kneeing Sehun in the back, his arms twisted behind his back and firmly in Jungkook's hold.

Taehyung drew in a huge gasp.

Jungkook was shirtless. His body was toned and much more muscular than Taehyung's. Sweat was dripping down his forehead, his chest heaving and glistening wet. A whistle rang out and Jungkook looked up straight at the window, noticing Taehyung and grinned.

Come. My pack is waiting to meet you.

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