Chapter 9

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My blood was boiling. I felt my body burning with the desire to smash my fist against Jihoon's smug face and break it.

How dare he touch Taehyung. Mine. Taehyung is mine.

A glass of ice cold water was thrust into my hand. As I looked down contemplating whether to drink it or throw it at the wall, I focused my hearing trying to catch Taehyung or Jihoon's voice but the music was too loud and there were too many people screaming.

"Drink this. Can I get you all something?" Jeongyeon stood looking at us all.

Everyone shook their head except for Yoongi. The man loved to drink. It was probably his third favorite thing to do in the world after sleeping and glaring.

"Kook. Calm your wolf. Take deep breaths. Think happy thoughts?" I laughed at Joon hyung's suggestion but started taking deep breaths nonetheless.

"Better." I looked at my pack members who had gathered for two purposes today, they were curious about Taehyung, and they had all volunteered to support him after hearing about the situation.

Yoongi hyung was lounging in a relaxed posture but I could see his eyes shifting restlessly keeping check for any threat.
Joon hyung looked tense, and Jin hyung was rubbing his back while talking to Sehun and Baekhyun. Kai and Chaneyeol were flirting with Momo and Sana. Despite their relaxed faces and frequent laughter I could feel the tension shared between the members.

They had all witnessed the moment I had leapt up from my place after I got a whiff of Tae's scent, and moved towards him, and then the confrontation between me and Jihoon.

I turned my head, peering over the banisters trying to catch sight of Jihoon and Tae. We were gathered in in one of the open lounges upstairs although my wolf was screaming at me to go downstairs where Tae was.

I couldn't see him. My search became frantic, different thoughts running through my mind. What if Tae got hurt? What if Jihoon tried to force himself on him? He was a strong and dangerous man. 
My body immediately went cold at these thoughts. I stood up now leaning over the banister. The music changed, there was a shift in the bodies and that is when I saw him.

Taehyung was pressed against the bar, his body stiff while Jihoon had him trapped between his arms. I could see Taehyung's balled fists pressed against his sides.

Low growls were escaping my throat, alerting everyone that something was wrong.

"Kook. Calm down. Please?" Namjoon pleaded.

"I can't watch him suffer like that. Can't we do anything?"

Namjoon hyung sighed. "Do you want Taehyung to safely reach the Caves tomorrow or not? We can't make anyone suspicious."

"I don't care anymore."

"If Junkook weren't a true-blood, I'd say that he and Taehyung were chosen mates by the Moon Goddess." Kai interjected.

"Sure looks like it." Sehun said flashing a smile towards me.

"I see why your wolf is so attracted to him though...He looks ethereal almost." Baekhyun said, while everyone nodded their assent.

I growled at him.

"Easy, Wolfie. I'm too young to die." He laughed raising his hands in surrender.

"I have an idea although I'm not sure if it will work." Jeongyeon mused appearing beside me. "It's stupid actually."

She looked at Namjoon, who nodded his head giving her approval to continue speaking.

"So I'll casually spill drinks on Jihoon, hopefully ruining his clothes so he will leave."

Joon hyung shook his head. "He might throw a tantrum and hurt you. No."

"I knew it was a stupid idea."

"Wait...maybe we can change it a little. Sana. Momo. I need you both to pretend drunk and spill a drink on him. He'd probably not get as angry at you two as he would at a server." He nodded at Jeongyeon. "Then...just offer to clean up for him and lead him to the restroom. We'll make sure that Taehyung leaves by the time you two are back."

Sana and Momo nodded, getting up to go downstairs at once. I felt my body relax. We were fucking finally going to do something to get Tae away.

"They're by the bar." I said pointing at Jihoon's back. His lips were at Tae's ears whispering something, too close for my comfort.

"We'll spread out on the dance floor." Sehun said as the boys stood up to make their way downstairs too.

"What about the pigs? I mean the guards?" My face heated as I realized I had used Tae's title for the guards.

"They moved to stand beside the bouncers at the doors. They're scared of Jihoon too. They're not keeping close tabs." Jeongyeon said, "I was observing them for the last half hour."

"We still need to be careful." Yoongi hyung spoke up.

Everyone nodded as we made our way down to the lower floor to put the plan in action.

I needed Taehyung away from that asshole as soon as fucking possible.

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