Chapter 12

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T's POV:

I hear squeals and gasps as soon as Jungkook and I both say 'Mate.' I don't look around to see who squealed and who gasped. Continuing with the plan, I stare deep into the eyes of Jungkook which was not a difficult task for me. I wanted to drown in his mesmerising dark eyes.

Another second passed and Jungkook grinned, looking me over.

"I'm Jungkook. Bangtan pack."

"Taehyung. Bl-lack crescent pack."

I lick my dry lips. From the corner of my eye I can see the Bangtan pack gathering to one side, Hoseok yelling that Jungkook found his mate.

Jimin appears beside me from somewhere.

"What did you say Tae?" He says out loud.

"Mate. He's my mate Chim." I reply clearly.

"What in the bloody fuck is happening!?" I hear a deep growl behind me from one of the guards. He moves forward and yanks me back a little. "He already has a mate."

Jungkook stills, the grin fading off his face. The crowd around us goes silent.

A vicious growl rips out of Jungkook's throat. He stalks forward.
"Dare to touch my mate again like that and you won't be walking out of here alive."

He reaches forward and grabs my right wrist pulling me towards him but the pig doesn't let go of my left arm.

"I don't know what you're playing at. He already has a mate. Alpha Jihoon!"

"I see no marking." Jungkook glares at him.

"That's- that's because they have yet to complete the mating!" The guard answers flustered. I could sense his confusion. I saw another one of the pigs take out his cell phone probably to call my father or Jihoon.
I have to control the situation.

"And that will never happen. The hell will I allow someone else to mark my mate." Jungkook growls and yanks me forward so forcefully that I think my arm came out of its socket. I fell into his chest, his arm wrapping around my waist as he tugs on my hair pulling my head away from his chest.

"It's an arranged mating!" I blurt out.

"I guessed." He growls at the guard behind me.

"You don't know who you're messing with. He's the son of Black Crescent's Alpha. The Alpha Kim. And promised to Alpha Jihoon."

"So?" Jungkook snorts, "I don't care who he is. I'm not going to cower before a name and lose the mate the Goddess chose for me. Now step back. I won't ask again."

"This won't end well." The guard directs at me but I hardly pay any attention as Jungkook has his head nestled into my shoulder. I can hear a slight buzz of people talking around us apparently bad-mouthing the guards for keeping two mates away from each other.

They believe it. I mentally sigh in relief.

Suddenly Jungkook's teeth graze along my neck and a small moan escapes me which was not faked. Jungkook looks up, his eyes gleaming. The bastard knows it wasn't pretend. He looks at me asking for permission. I nod.

Jungkook licks the junction between my neck and right shoulder making me shiver. I could no longer hear anything except for our breaths and my heart which was attempting to jump out of my chest.

An overwhelming pain shoots through my neck as Jungkook digs his now elongated canines into my neck. A few seconds later I feel as if some kind of drug is flowing through my veins from where his teeth connect to my skin into my whole body. I sighed in pleasure wishing it wouldn't end. He licked the mark once again to catch all stray drops of blood.

Too soon for my liking, Jungkook pulls away. Happy and victorious noises hit my ears all made by his pack members and other teenagers who witnessed the marking moment between us.

Jungkook leans down towards my ear, "Patience cupcake. We've just begun."

I feel a blush creeping up my neck. Jungkook smirks at me noticing the red tinging my cheeks.

"Let's get out of here." He grabs my hand and pulls me towards the parking space.

I could see the guards panicking. They didn't know what to do. I laughed an evil laugh in my head. Namjoon's plan truly was perfect.

Probably out of fear of my father the guards decided to try again. As they moved forward all of Jungkook's pack members surrounded us.
Our pack members.

Namjoon stepped forward, "Enough. Nobody has the right to separate two mates. You will allow us to pass and my pack member will leave with his mate. As Alpha of Bangtan pack I would request that you give my regards to Alpha Kim. We're delighted to have his son as a new member of our pack."

The authority in Joon hyung's voice was palatable. The guards moved away deciding they did not want to start a fight then and there.

The pack members moved as one towards the parking space, Jungkook and I in the center of the throng.

Once we reached the cars, everyone moved towards their rides.

"Where's Jimin?" I enquired remembering him just then.

"He's safe. He's with Yoongi hyung." Jungkook gave me a small smile. "Hop on cupcake."


He pointed towards the motorbike. He got on effortlessly, his muscles bulging under his clothes.

"So? Are you coming? Are you scared?!" He looked at me daring me to lie.

"A little. I've never ridden a bike before."

This is not the only thing you'll be riding today. He winked at me as I froze hearing his voice in my head.

The bond has started to manifest.

"Yes." He verbally answered my thought.

"Muffin?" I purred settling in behind him.


I wrapped my arms around his waist, his back to my front. I felt the familiar tingles go through my body.

It won't be as easy as you think.

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