Chapter 27

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Hi guys. I was going to post this earlier but Jimin started his Vlive and I got distracted.
So first things first, this is a filler chapter. I tried to write it again and again but it just wouldn't come to me :/
Second thing is I got a job on Tuesday which is why I've been so busy. I'm going to try my best to pre-write a few chapters on Sunday. 
Ugh. I hate this. Updating later than usual and with a filler chapter.
Tae's POV:

"Tell me about it."
"I don't think I was ever this bad..."

Jimin and I turned to look at Jin hyung shaking his head at us as he walked over to our chosen spot under a tree. We grinned and turned our attention back towards the practice field. The field was sectioned off with two combatants in every section. Some were practicing offense, and some were practicing defense, but I only had eyes for Jungkook and his bare torso. I looked to my side to observe Jimin staring at his mate as Yoongi taught a handful of young men the correct stance of attacking.

I snickered, "Chim."

"Chim...Jimin...PARK JIMIN!"

"Wha..What?" He shook his head as if trying to remove webs. Jin hyung started laughing.

"You're staring." I said to him.

"So were you." Jin hyung pointed out.

I turned my gaze back to Jungkook who was combating with Kai, his mischievous smile on display. I groaned as I saw his shoulder muscles flex as he landed Kai on his back.

"I can't help it hyung! He looks..."

"I can't help it either..." Jimin said in a low tone, his attention again diverted to Yoongi.

Jin hyung had told me that Jungkook and Namjoon had started the whole practice thing when they moved here. Then they had focused on making Jungkook's power stable and Namjoon had begun to teach him how to control himself. Gradually Yoongi, Kai, Chanyeol and the others had started to join the training sessions and now it had become a custom to gather and practice their skills.
The practice sessions were nothing like what I experienced at my father's pack, they were like military training; mistakes and stagnancy were punished, we were always pushed to achieve more and more. The Bangtan pack's practice sessions were a whole different story. The air was relaxed, you could hear jabs and laughter, everyone seemed to enjoy the training sessions. There was a competitive tension in the air, but it was like a competition between brothers or friends, not rivals. Mates were spread out around the field, mother's keeping an eye on their children who tried to copy their fathers. It was like a picnic every day.

A picnic for your eyes, Taehyung. Look at Kook. Fuck. Why does he practice shirtless?!

Jungkook wasn't the only one who practiced shirtless, of course I came to watch him only, but I couldn't help admiring the others' bodies too. They were all physically fit, anyone would drool over the sight presented in the field every afternoon.

"Taehyung, Yoongi informed us that Jimin wants to enroll into a dance program. Summer is going to end soon, have you thought what you would like to do?"

"What?" I tore my eyes away from Jungkook and Kai.

"He's asking about college." Jimin explained.

Jin's forehead creased as he glanced at Jungkook. "Jungkook needs to be a bit more responsible! He should have discussed this with you. That brat really needs to be more responsible."

"Discuss what?" Jungkook spoke as he walked over to us. I handed him a water bottle as he lay down on the ground beside me.

"About college." Jin hyung answered. Kai, Sehun and Hoseok joined our small huddle.

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