Chapter 22

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Tae's POV:

That asshole better have a good reason for disappearing like this.

It had been hours since I had seen Jungkook; the last time being the moment Yoongi was dragging him out of the kitchen.
They hadn't appeared for dinner. Jin hyung had said that Yoongi, Namjoon and Jungkook were busy. He hadn't told us what was keeping them occupied but he had looked slightly worried. We had moved to the playroom afterwards watching some drama Jin and Hoseok hyung refused to miss even a second of. Yoongi and Joon hyung had come by searching for their mates a while ago. I did ask Yoongi hyung where Jungkook was but he had just told me to go sleep.

I couldn't sleep. I had tried. I had also tried to talk to Jungkook through the mate link but I hadn't felt even a sliver of his presence as I usually did. He had shut me out. I was pissed off at his behavior but I couldn't stop my doubts creeping in either.

You got on his nerves. Maybe he's re-thinking his decision. So that's why Yoongi looked at me with such a sad expression. This is going to get you nowhere Taehyung. Stop thinking like that.

I turned over, crawling out of bed. It felt weird to be in the room without Jungkook. I felt like I was invading his privacy as I set up his gaming equipment, trying to find a game I was comfortable with.

Overwatch and Fortnite. Amazing.

I lost track of time as I immersed myself in the game. My eyes started getting heavier with sleep but I was more worried about Jungkook. He hadn't answered to my texts, calls or yells of his name in my thoughts. I realized it was 3 in the night.
I wished Jimin was with me but he was with Yoongi and I didn't want to disturb him. The last resort was to search for Jungkook but I didn't know where to start.

A shuffle and a rustle startled me. I looked around, alert at once, but nothing in the room was moving. I tried listening with my keen sense and that's when I heard clothes rustling and a pair of feet shuffling right outside the room. The sound wasn't on the side of the door but the window. I moved towards the window as silently as I could. I did debate calling Jimin and waking him and Yoongi but I had a feeling who I would find on the other side.

I held the curtain's parting and pushed them to the side with a flourish.

AHA! You're so smart Taehyung.

On the other side Jungkook stood like a deer caught in headlights. He was trying to put on his shirt. I had caught him mid-movement. His shirt sleeve was stuck on his elbows and only his forehead and eyes were visible through the collar. His eyes had gone wide with surprise I assumed.

I crossed my arms as I stood there looking at him. He slowly pulled down the shirt obstructing my view of his chiseled torso, my wolf whined but I had other things on my mind.

We stood there looking at each other through the window pane.

We stood there in silence. I looked over his flushed body. He looked tired. He was staring at me too but I couldn't understand his expression. It was a mixture of shock, surprise and something else. He lifted his hand to slide the window open but I reached from my side and held the window jammed to the side. He dropped his hand at once, cocking his head to the side.

Where the fuck were you?

You didn't have to stay up for me. He replied avoiding my question.

No. I didn't have to... I couldn't sleep.

I let go of the window and turned around to slip under the covers. I realized we hadn't verbally spoken a word, and the silence was eerie. There were two people in the room but silence still prevailed. I turned over, giving Jungkook a view of my back.
If he wants to be a dickhead, I'll give him all the space to be one.

The bed dipped and I scooted more to the side as I felt him getting under the blankets. A few minutes passed, my mind was running wild.

Should I talk to him? If he wanted to tell you Tae, he would have. Don't be clingy. Right.

I sighed as I made the decision but it stuck as I felt Jungkook's hand slide over my waist and pull me towards him. He turned me over so I was squished into his chest, his limbs encaging me into his body.

I huffed a little and tried to create space but he just tightened his grip. I growled, refusing to utter a word but he wouldn't let go. Finally I stopped trying to move away and let my body go limp.

Goodnight Taehyung.

I didn't respond, and a few minutes later I felt his body relax in sleep.

Is he bipolar or something?

His body's warmth lulled me to sleep soon enough.


"Taehyung? Taehyung? Cupcake. Wake up."

I groaned, my eyes still crusty with sleep, wishing whoever was calling me to shut up.

"No." I mumbled.

"Taehyung. We have to wake up. It's important."

I slit open my eyes to look at him, instantly becoming aware that we were still in the same position we had fallen asleep in, and that reminded me of the silent treatment I was supposed to be trteating him to. I pushed him back, more awake now.

"So you're finally talking to me again, asshole?" I snarled at him.

He sighed and plopped back onto the bed, his expression changing in an instant.

"Taehyung, we need to talk." He closed his eyes and pinched his nose.

I just stared at him.

"It's ok. I know. I knew it was just your wolf's instinct which is why I didn't..."

He opened his eyes to stare at me, "Instinct? What are you talking about?"

I shifted to lean up against the headboard, avoiding his stare.

"About...Us." I said in a low voice. I really don't want to have this conversation.

"Us?" He stared at me still confused which confused me in return.

"Wait. What are you talking about?" I asked him. He quickly sat up, his body turned towards me.

"I need to tell you something about your father and Jihoon."

"Oh." I stared up at the ceiling, a laugh escaping me. He just wants to talk about that. Maybe he's going to ask me to go back to Jihoon. Fuck Taehyung! Let him explain.

"What about it?"

"Your father informed Jihoon about what happened, and God knows why and how the fucker had the amazing fucking idea of placing this entire matter in front of the WPC." He rubbed his hand on his face in annoyance. His words finally sank into my brain.

"So? I mean I get it. That's a dick move. I honestly thought he would just show up looking for a fight. Now he's dragging this to 'court' and I'm not even his true mate!"

"You're not my true mate either Taehyung." His voice interrupted me, making me turn my head towards him. He was staring at a spot in the corner.

"Yes. But I chose you." I moved my hand to brush his hair out of his eyes. He held my hand in his, placing our entwined hands in his lap.

"This won't be easy Taehyung. The WPC and I have history...a bad one."

I stared at him, waiting for him to make more sense.
He has history with WPC. A bad one. Has he...committed a crime?

"We need to get dressed and go meet up with the others. There's a meeting today. To discuss everything." He pulled his hand away as he got off the bed.

"You can't leave me hanging like this Jungkook. Explain."

He sighed giving me a pleading look. "I can't Taehyung. I don't want to...I don't want you to look at me like others did or do. I don't want to tell you on my own. Apparently I'm not courageous enough to."
He snorted, his hands clenching his hair. He didn't wait for me to say anything. He turned and rushed into the bathroom, leaving me sitting there, my mind producing a hundred thoughts a minute.

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