Chapter 3

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Third Person POV:

There was complete silence in the warm kitchen. Namjoon and Yoongi were observing Taehyung, Hobi was looking anywhere but at the men sitting at the table and Taehyung and Jungkook were staring at each other. It appeared as if a battle was ensuing between them both to make the other say something.

The silence weighed heavy in the kitchen like the presence of an un-wanted guest.
Taehyung felt as if his brain had lost any and all ability to think. His wolf was pawing at his mind, attempting to convey something important but Taehyung was too stunned to pay attention.

Claim me as his mate? He's willing to claim me?

Taehyung couldn't think beyond these two questions that were on a loop inside him. He looked at the dark haired boy whose scent was more than appealing to him. Even his wolf seemed to accept that this boy could claim them.

After what felt like an eternity Taehyung finally spoke, "Claim me? You're going to claim me?"

"Yes." Jungkook replied shortly. He had an annoyed expression on his face as if offended by Taehyung's slow understanding.

"Why? What about your true mate?"

An uncomfortable silence again engulfed the kitchen as Taehyung looked at them.
Namjoon turned to Jungkook asking his permission, who gave an imperceptible nod.

"Jungkook is the son of two Alphas." Namjoon said slowly.

Taehyung looked at the boy who had turned to stone, his face giving nothing away.

"Oh. You're a True Alpha?" Taehyung looked at the boy with admiration, but Jungkook quickly looked away.

"Which is why our plan would actually work. Nobody would dare cross a True Alpha after he has claimed someone." Namjoon explained.

"What about your mate? Why are you being handed off to the Thorn pack's Alpha?" Hoseok asked from behind him.

"My mate passed away." Taehyung said in a small whisper which everyone heard due to their super hearing abilities.

Jungkook was the first one to speak.

"I'm sorry about your mate."

"It was a long time ago... so... your name is Jungkook?"

"Jeon Jungkook. Beside me is our Alpha, Namjoon. The guy on the counter is Hoseok hyung, our head-warrior and the one sleeping is Yoongi hyung, the second-in-command. Jin hyung is Namjoon's mate. They're my family."

Taehyung turned to look at all of the men surrounding him, and then he turned to Namjoon, "Aren't you a bit young to be the Alpha?"

Hoseok chuckled behind him, "Our true Alpha is actually younger than Namjoon himself. It's Jungkook."

Taehyung's head snapped up towards Jungkook who was giving an eye roll to Hoseok.

"True Alpha...? This is your pack?" Taehyung was confused and looked at both the boys sitting across from him.

Namjoon sighed and was about to explain, when Jungkook cut him off, "It's a long story. You can know the details later. We need an answer from you. We have to drop you back too before your father's guards find you missing from the club."

Suddenly Taehyung shot up from his chair, "The damn pigs!"

Everyone stared at him as if he had lost his mind. He looked towards them. "The guards! I mean the guards! They'll kill you all once they find me missing... they will come searching for me!"

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