Chapter 23

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Everyone was spread out around the room. There were almost 15 of us there. I looked around and realized all of us there except for Jin hyung and Jimin had known each other since birth. We were family.

We were waiting for Taehyung. I had dashed out of the room as soon as I could, telling him to come to the office after he was done. He hadn't showed up yet.

"Did you talk to Taehyung?"

I shook my head at Joon hyung's query. He narrowed his gaze at me.

"I told you to talk to him."

"I told him about the situation at hand."

"And?" He questioned me, knowing that I hadn't told Taehyung everything.

"Just that." I replied shortly.

He looked angry but he was trying to control it.

"I'll just go get him." I turned around before he could burst out on me, but the handle turned at that moment and Taehyung peeked in.

His mouth fell open in surprise when he saw so many people. I couldn't blame him. It looked like a mafia meeting, the atmosphere was beyond tense.

I stepped aside to let him in. He walked in uncertainly, a frown on his face.

There was an awkward silence before he walked to Jimin who was leaning against a bookcase beside Yoongi hyung. Namjoon hyung cleared his thought, once Tae was settled and began to speak.

"So...I wanted to talk to you all. I think we should have had this discussion earlier." Joon hyung gave a pointed look to me. I sighed and slid down the wall, wishing that Taehyung had come to my side but I knew it was better he hadn't. I didn't want him to feel uncomfortable.

Namjoon heaved a sigh and sat down on the edge of the table, looking at all of us again.

"Taehyung..." He flashed his dimples at Taehyung making him smile. "There are some things that we need to discuss, they concern you... Jungkook should have talked to you about all that..." He trailed off looking at me again.

"H-he told me about the Jihoon matter. I'm sorry. I've only been trouble for you all." He whispered out his response.

The room was suddenly full of protests, Jin hyung being the loudest that Tae was no trouble at all. Jimin moved closer to him and hugged him, making me frown. I wanted to comfort him.

Namjoon raised a hand to silence everyone, "Please. Do not say anything like that again. We've discussed this before. We protect all." He looked at me, "And you're family now."

Taehyung just nodded in response ignoring my gaze.

"You're all aware of who Jihoon is. We grew up with him."

From the corner of my eye I saw Taehyung and Jimin's head shoot up at that information. Looks like Yoongi hyung hasn't told Jimin anything either.

"What?!" Taehyung exclaimed in shock, his eyes widening.

Namjoon hyung looked angrier by the minute. I had no doubt he was angry about the fact that I hadn't told Taehyung anything. His anger towards me became clear with his next words.

"Jeon Jungkook. I gave you an entire night to tell your mate. Yet he knows nothing."

I just stood there silently, as did the others, not wanting to make Joon hyung angrier.

"First things first, all the people who know about Jungkook's wolf status are present in this room. Correct?"

I assumed everyone nodded, because nobody spoke and Namjoon continued.

"Jihoon was supposed to claim Taehyung this week but, that isn't going to happen obviously. The problem at hand, as most of you are now aware, is that he has threatened to take this matter to the WPC. Which brings us to this meeting. Our newest pack members are still unaware of our history. Not their fault, their mates should have filled them in especially due to the fact that they're mated to the two people who are at the center of that history." He looked at Jimin and Taehyung who were hanging onto every word. "You could say this pack began because of WPC."

I heard a few low snorts.

"You could say that..." Sehun said lowly. Jimin and Taehyung were looking around. I saw Jimin look at Yoongi but he was staring at me. He passed a small smile to me. I tried my best to return it but failed. Taehyung was just looking at the floor scowling.

"I'll let Jungkook tell the details but for this meeting's purpose you both need to know that some shit went down at our old pack, when Jungkook was a teenager. He lost control of his wolf. The matter was taken to WPC and they ruled that Jungkook be exiled from the pack. All of us present here didn't agree with that decision and protested by leaving with him. We formed this pack and here we are today."

Jimin and Taehyung nodded in understanding.

"Is that what Jungkook meant by having a 'bad history' with the WPC?" Taehyung was looking at Joon hyung, who glanced at me.

"To this day, WPC are unaware of Jungkook's wolf status. We made sure that nobody would come to know of his status. They thought he was just a hot-tempered Alpha who lost control because teenage hormones." Joon hyung snorted.

"How is all this connected to Jihoon?" Jimin was the one who spoke up this time.

"He is now the Alpha of our old pack, the pack that should have been under Jungkook. He was the one who notified the WPC last time and I am betting he's thinking that he can make Jungkook suffer more. He is unaware of his wolf's status which is why he's also unaware that Taehyung and Jungkook aren't true mates. That's leaves us with two problems."

Everyone waited for him to continue, he looked at everyone with a hard glare.

"Our first priority is that nobody, and I mean, nobody should come to know that Jungkook is a true-blood. Secondly, we have to then convince them that Taehyung and Jungkook are true mates. We need a plan to make them believe that."

"Wait. You're telling me that only a handful people out of an entire pack knew that Jungkook is true-blood. How is that possible?!" Taehyung looked around, his eyes settling on me for the first time.

"You should hear it from Jungkook, Taehyung." Joon hyung said, signaling that the meeting was over.

Everyone started to shuffle out the door until only just Namjoon, Jin, Yoongi, Jimin and Taehyung were left.

"Well?" Taehyung turned towards me.

I looked at him, noticing the frown lines on his face, his hair tousled and his eyes glistening. I sensed the others looking at us.

Not here. Not in front of everyone. Come to me when I call you.

I gave him one last look, hoping he would understand the desperation in my voice, before I rushed out the door, needing to escape.

I'll be waiting, Kook.

His soft, calming tone echoed in my head as I ran out the house, shifted into my wolf form and lost myself in the forest.

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