Chapter 5

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Third person POV:

Namjoon and Jungkook parked the cars two blocks away. Jin stayed there ready to call for help if Namjoon sent him any such message.

They all looked at each other and Jin softly hugged Taehyung before wishing all of them luck.

Taehyung was nervous about the whole thing. Getting back into the club without being noticed, pretending he wasn't planning to get away and the plan too. They walked another block before Jungkook made a call to their inside man. His face relaxed after the call.

"Jeongyeon says that the guards are still standing downstairs. They haven't tried to check on him."
He turned to Taehyung, "You were with Jimin? He has blonde hair?"

Taehyung nodded.

"He's been looking for you. Jeongyeon was at the bar when she heard him ask if you had been down there to get drinks. She lied to him that you had gone to the restroom. He looked worried but went up to the lounge area after that. She's been checking on him."

"Thankyou." Taehyung said sincerely, "He's probably worried to death but he doesn't want to make it obvious to the guards. My father would skin him and the guards alive if he found out I was missing for three hours." 

"Once we get there, Jeongyeon will sneak us in through the kitchen door again. We go straight up the back stairs to the VIP lounge. Then we get out of there as fast as we can. Jungkook?" Namjoon addressed the younger boy who seemed to be deep in thought.

"Understood." Jungkook was only half listening to his Alpha. His eyes were glued to Taehyung's fidgeting hands. Taehyung was dressed in a loose fitted brown sweater that shined a little when the light hit it just right. The sleeves of the sweater were long for him and draped over his knuckles. Jungkook noticed he had slim fingers like a painter or a pianist. It suddenly hit him that he hadn't asked Taehyung anything about him.

They were almost at the alley that hid the back door of the club. They could hear loud music and cheers, an indication that the club was full. This club was famous among wolves so it rarely had a slow day. Wolves gathered here to drink, have fun, and find one - night stands to take home and to possibly find their mates from other packs.

Hoseok had followed Taehyung from his pack boundaries to the club every Saturday. Jongyeon and Nayeon, both members of the Bangtan pack worked as waitresses here and had informed them of Taehyung's movements inside the club. In the end Hoseok and Namjoon had cornered Taehyung inside the VIP lounge's restroom without his knowledge. A quick and heavy dose of chloroform had worked its magic to put Taehyung under but not without struggle. Hoseok had a bruise on his shoulder to prove it.

As the three neared the door in the alley, Namjoon sent a text to Jongyeon. A couple of seconds later, they all heard the distinct sound of a door being unlocked that only werewolf hearing could pick up.

Namjoon edged towards the door as a hand shot out from behind. Jungkook and Namjoon both relaxed as they recognized the hand.

A girl with short blonde hair peeked out, her eyes huge with impatience. "What are you waiting for? Hurry inside!" She hissed at them.

In an instant they all moved inside. Two steel doors stood to their immediate left, and they could see it was a kitchen through the window panes on the doors. On the other end were two more doors: one led to the lower floor and the other door presumably led to a staircase to the upper level.

They all were walking as quietly as possible; Jongyeon was leading them with Namjoon behind her, followed by Taehyung and then Jungkook.

"Stay on the stairs until I tell you you're good to go." She directed her words towards Taehyung but seemed to be looking at her Alpha for approval.

Namjoon and Taehyung both nodded.

She began to climb up. Namjoon followed after a few seconds and gestured at the other two to follow. The stair case was narrow and Taehyung was finding it difficult to climb up sandwiched between Namjoon and Jungkook.

Jungkook sensed his anxiety and discomfort. In an effort to comfort Taehyung he curved his left arm around Taehyung who let out a loud gasp.

"It's just me. Relax." Jungkook whispered.
"I can feel your anxiety radiating off your body."

Taehyung seemed to relax after that but his body was still stiff against Jungkook's hand.

They came to a standstill at the last few steps. A few minutes passed like that, they could all feel the tension rising until they heard Jongyeon talking to someone.

"Yes Sir. I'll be right back Sir. The restroom just needs to be cleaned. Sorry for the inconvenience. I'll inform you as soon as it is done."

There was complete silence after that and then they heard her calling to them.
They moved in an instant and found themselves standing on the small platform that divided the lounge rooms and the restrooms.

Jongyeon was leaning on the banister looking down at the dance floor. "Your guards are still downstairs. We don't want them or any other guest coming this way."

Namjoon gave me a quick nod, "We'll meet again soon."
Suddenly he smiled showing off two dimples. "Welcome to our family Taehyung. We will do our best by you."
He offered Taehyung half a hug, who seemed to be in a trance because of the noticeable difference in Namjoon.

Silently Taehyung turned towards Jungkook who was observing their interaction. They looked at each other both unaware that the other two were also looking at them now.

"Until next time cupcake." Jungkook grinned. 

"I look forward to it muffin." Taehyung smirked back at him.

In a flash Jungkook was standing flush against Taehyung. There was no space between them, and they were aware of each other's bodies more than ever. Jungkook encircled Taehyung's waist, dipped his head low to whisper in Taehyung's ear.

"I can't wait to mark you and then claim you as mine. Be prepared cupcake."

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