Chapter 26

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Just a filler chapter. I wanted to somehow depict the Yoon-min development and this is what I came up with. (not happy with it at all) Meh.
Thank you for sticking with this book
Tae's POV:

"Cupcake?" Jungkook grinned at me. He moved to sit up against the head board, pulling me closer onto his lap. I let my eyes be drawn to his glistening lips again, his breathing normal while I was out of breath already.

"Cupcake?" He snickered, "You're drooling."

"What!?" I tore my gaze away from his lips. "Am not."
I still swiped my hand across my lips for good measure. He fell laughing. I huffed and detangled myself from his limbs.


He narrowed his eyes at me, "I think I warned you already not to be so cheeky."

"Why not?" I challenged him.

"I'll be forced to show you why not."

His low voice sent tingles down my spine, the urge to kiss him reared again and I leapt forward, kissing him.

Every kiss was a war. It didn't matter how many times we kissed or how frequently, every kiss was like a new war, both of us trying to assert dominance. I had had the pleasure of winning a few times, but I had the feeling that Jungkook allowed me to lead those.

Jungkook leaned back, letting me breathe because...

"Goddamit Jeon Jungkook! Don't you run out of breath?!"

I scrambled off him for the final time. He laughed as he watched me gather our clothes from the floor.

"I'd tell you you'll just have to get used to already do so well..."

"Yah! Shut up!" I yelled at him, as I threw his shirt and shorts in his face. It was no use; he had already seen the blush creeping up my. This increased his laughter.

"I hate you." I growled at him as I turned, fully dressed now.

"Don't be shy Tae, where's the Taehyung from last night?"


"I know how we can bring him back to life..." I sensed Jungkook moving across the bed towards me, his arms outstretched. I dodged him. I turned to see him, flustered at what had happened.

"I sensed you. The mate bond is definitely a wondrous thing." I laughed at his sullen expression as I left the room to go to the kitchen.

As I had expected Jin hyung was there already, busy making breakfast. I saw a mop of blonde hair gracing the table's surface and pulled at it, making Jimin groan and yelp as he scowled at me.

"Someone woke up on the wrong side of the bed."

He looked shocked at my words before he cleared his throat and looked away, making me suspicious instantly.

"What's wrong Chim? Why do you look guilty all of a sudden?"

Jin hyung turned, placing strawberries in front of me, "I tried asking him too. He was here before me even."

I looked back at Jimin, worried, "Did you even sleep last night? Tell me what's wrong. Is it Yoongi hyung? I'll go kick his sorry ass right fucking now if it..."

"No! No! No! He hasn't done anything!"

I raised an eyebrow at his outburst, turning to Jin hyung who was also looking at Jimin with apprehension.

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