Chapter 6

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T's POV:

Taehyung looked around his room. He had spent twenty years of his life in this room. Yet he saw nothing that was worthy to be taken with him.

He had pulled out all his clothes from the small cupboard. He hadn't bought new clothes in years and nothing held special meaning.
He never asked his father for anything and his father had never bothered about his needs.

Jimin would always get him clothes for his birthday or other occasions. He picked out those clothes and stuffed them in a bag.

He peeked inside his cupboard again to see the two paper bags he had pushed against the back. He quickly stuffed them both in the bag too.

A pile of small items littered the bed. The pile included his mother's diary, a few pictures from his childhood, her jewellery, his high school year book and a small palm sized painting.
After wrapping everything in bubble wrap he placed them between his clothes in the bag and started cleaning up the mess he had made.

His thoughts were muddled. He was scared and excited. He wanted to grasp this chance of freedom but he was scared for Jungkook and his pack.
He had been at the receiving end of his father's wrath too many times.

He looked at his mother's picture beside his bed, as tears filled his eyes. His childhood had been a happy one. His mother was the perfect Luna. His father had always been a difficult man but he remembered how his mother looked at him with love. She would tuck him in bed at night and they would talk for an hour before he fell asleep.
They would talk about everything including his absentee father.

His mother would remind him to respect his father and love him despite his short comings. He was the Alpha and deserved respect, his alpha duties came before his family.

So he had never paid much attention to his father.
His interactions with his father were limited to quiet dinners and annual meetings in his office, to ask if he had changed into his wolf form.

The day Taehyung turned 11 his father had bellowed at him to change into his wolf form.

Most werewolves experienced their first shift between the age of 7 and 11. He had never felt the raging fever and pain that was described by his friends.

His father was uncontrollable that day and his mother had tried her best to calm him down. After his father had stormed out of the house, she had quietly put Taehyung to bed and gone to the forest to look for him.
She never returned.

Taehyung had gotten up the next morning and gone straight to the kitchen. His mother wasn't there, or in her bedroom or the study room. He was busy checking the pantry when Auntie Maria has entered the kitchen, her eyes red and puffy. She looked at Taehyung and burst into tears.

Taehyung had known in that instant that whatever Aunt Maria was going to tell him would change his life.
He remembered asking her about his mother and if something had happened to the pack. She had simply pulled him into her arms and softly told him that they had lost their Luna forever.

"Luna? Which pack's Luna?" He had looked at her tear streaked face, bewildered by what he had heard. She couldn't mean his mother.
"Your mother, sweetheart. She was found dead in the forest in the early hours of dawn. Mauled to death. Probably Rogues."

He had fainted thereafter only to awaken a few days later to find his mother had been buried without him present.

He was escorted to his father's office by Auntie Maria once he had stopped screaming for his mother.
His father had given him a single glance before turning to her and ordering her to take him away.

"I don't want to see his face ever again. Feed him. Take care of him. I'll give you a monthly stipend but don't bother me with anything regarding him."

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