Chapter 21

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JK's POV: 

How long are you gonna run?

I patted my forehead to swipe away the sweat gathered there but my eyes were focused on Taehyung who was lounging on the grass with Jimin, just a few feet from where we were all practicing.
I saw his body tense the moment I directed my thought towards him. He looked away from Jimin to roll his eyes at me.

I laughed out loud, and received a smack from someone. I turned to glare at my friends behind me.

"What?" I growled in annoyance.

"Since when did you start laughing for no apparent reason? When did you start laughing?" Sehun and Baekhyun were staring at me.

"Let him be." Yoongi hyung appeared beside them. "He's not laughing at air. He's probably talking to Taehyung."

I ducked my head to hide the grin forming on my face. 

"Ooooh. It's the mate bond? Right? Right? What is it like?" Kai jumped over to us taking a break from combat practice. Chaneyeol, his partner joined us too.

They all looked at me expectantly. I wasn't planning to tell them anything until I noticed Yoongi hyung trying to conceal his interest in the conversation. He wants to know because of Jimin.

I looked at him as I began to explain. "Its...amazing. I guess. How do I explain it? It's like you're still you but you have a constant feeling of someone else inside you. Like there are two people inside you. You can feel their being and yeah you can talk to them through the mental link."

"Can you hear everything that Taehyung's thinking? Isn't that distracting? Like a dog yapping all the time."

I glared at Kai, "Did you just compare Tae to a dog?"

"Uhhh..." Kai backed away as everyone snickered, "NO! You know what I meant!"

"I am aware of his thoughts' emotion but I can only hear his thoughts when he wants me to. You'll just have to experience it yourself."

I saw Yoongi hyung nod as the others started discussing whatever myths they had heard about the mate bond. Yoongi hyung rolled his eyes at their behavior and motioned towards me to follow him. I followed him to the edge of the forest, away from the others.

"Jungkook, you know you can talk to me about anything. Right?"

I nodded, looking at him confused.

"Anything." He repeated his intense gaze focused on me.

"Yes, hyung. What's wrong?"

"I, well, all of us were not expecting you to be this calm about the whole mate situation. You seem to have accepted Taehyung completely."

I finally understood what he was trying to discuss.

"Hyung. You're trying to ask me about my...state. Why are you being sneaky about it?"

He chuckled. "You've always been smart Jungkook-ah. I should have asked you directly. Namjoon and I were worried about your wolf's state and if this mating was even gonna work out. We were ready for anything but we've been surprised the whole time by how smoothly things have come to this point."

"Hyung, I know, I'm surprised myself too. I told you all, my wolf liked Taehyung. I mean I don't know why but it's never been with any wolf like this before. It's like he knew Taehyung is perfect for us. I can't explain it. To tell you the truth, I was afraid of, uh, claiming him." I ducked my head as my face warmed up, "My wolf was pushing me so hard, instinct, and I was scared but I was able to keep myself in check. I'm better at controlling myself now. I have you all to thank for it."

"You're making it sound like you never had control over yourself. It was just one time."
I felt his hand pat my shoulder assuring me as our thoughts flew to the incident nobody mentioned anymore. It had become taboo.

" time and a sentence for life. Not that I didn't deserve it."

"No, Jungkook. You did not. Many people didn't know. The pack didn't know. Hell even we didn't know. You know how it was."

We heard footsteps near us, and we turned to see Joon hyung walking towards us.

"Hey. What are you two doing here? I was looking for you two."

"Just talking. What's wrong?" Yoongi hyung asked him, his perceptive gaze settling on Joon hyung's nervous habit of clenching his jaw.

"Let's go inside. It's going to get colder out here." He replied, his eyes searching through the shadows of the forest, as if looking out for someone or something.

The sun had almost set, when we made our way back across the now deserted field.



Are you inside?

With Jin hyung. Yes.

Still running? I mentally grinned waiting for his response but received none which made me actually grin.

The three of us started climbing up the stairs to the kitchen. It was definitely warmer inside, but I registered that the warm feeling encompassing me had more to do with the brown haired boy laughing his husky laugh.

His laugh trailed off as soon as his eyes fell on me.


I made my way over to Taehyung's side.

"Cupcake...did you just call me an asshole? You know I can hear your thoughts."

"Yeah. Exactly. That's the point Muffin."

Before I could say another word, Yoongi hyung pulled me by my collar. I had a glimpse of everyone snickering at my helpless expression as I was dragged to the office.

He closed the door behind us. I huffed as I sat on a chair. Joon hyung was leaning against the desk, his eyes closed, face creased with concentration.

We sat silently till he heaved a huge sigh and opened his eyes to look at us.

"Jihoon has been informed of what happened."

There was a moment of silence.

"So we fight?" I asked in a hushed voice.

"This is where it gets tricky. He said he's taking this matter to the WPC."

"The Werewolf Peace Committee? No fucking way!" Yoongi hyung burst out as I sat there in shock.


Hi guys. Sorry about the late updates. I've been trying to sort out the plot line. Hopefully the updates will be more regular now.
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