Chapter 31

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"When I said we're going out, I meant we, as in me and Taheyung only. Not you sorry lot."

I glared at my entire group of friends who had taken my simple statement as an invitation to join us.

"Koooooooookkkkkkie!" I covered my ears as they all chorused out my name together.

I glared at Hoseok, without doubt he had been the one behind this idea. He smiled his wide sunny smile.

"Come on Kookie! It will be more fun if we tag along!"

Chanyeol, Baekhyun, Sana, Momo and whoever else was present nodded their heads vigorously after Hoseok hyung. I heard a weird sound from behind me and turned to see Taehyung trying to hold in his laughter. As soon as he saw my exasperated expression, he doubled over in laughter.

"SEE! Its already fun!" Hoseok hyung squealed.

Taehyung placed a hand on my shoulder to support himself, as he caught his breath.

"It's ok, Kook. I don't mind." He smiled at me.

"I mind." I growled back, facing the group of people gathered in front of us.

"What is happening?" I heard Yoongi behind me and grinned at the group evilly.

"Hyung!" I turned, "They plan to go with us."

Yoongi stood with Jimin, observing everyone.


I internally yelled with joy.

"BUT HYUNG!" Hoseok yelled. I rolled my eyes.
"We just wanted to have fun. If you let us go with you too, then we'll...leave you and Jimin alone!"

Yoongi raised his eyebrows as I growled in frustration.

"Jimin and I are not going with Kook and Tae. We're going on our own."

I furrowed my eyebrows, noticing the over-night bag in Yoongi's hand. I looked up, caught his eye and mouthed my confusion.

Yoongi hyung tilted his head, indicating for me to step aside.

We started walking away from the group, once we were sure nobody could hear us with their werewolf hearing, we stopped.

"Hyung? I thought you were going with us?"

"Kookie, you and Tae are going to look at colleges, Jimin and I just need to visit a few dance academies. I don't want to wait while you're busy with Tae. It'll be faster."

I nodded. "But hyung? What's in the bag?"

"This is why I brought you aside. Jimin and I won't be returning with you. I've already told Namjoon and Jin. I'm...taking Jimin for a trip. We'll be back in two days."

I felt my eyes widen before I grinned at him, "You plan to claim and mark him. Don't you?"

"It's none of your business. I just want to do something nice for him."

"Rigggggghtt." I chuckled. "It's only going to be nice for you. I'll pray for Jiminnie."

"You!" I quickly stepped back before my hyung could catch me. I laughed and ran back to where the group were waiting for us.

"SO??" several voices reached me at once.

I sighed looking at Tae. "What do you think?"

"I don't mind." He smiled at me, automatically making me smile too.

We'll just ditch them after.

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