Chapter 24

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Tae's POV:

Taehyung. Come to the edge of the forest, near the combat field.

I abandoned the vegetables I was chopping, as soon as I heard Jungkook's voice resonate in my head.

"Jin hyung, I have to go."

He looked over at me startled by my sudden exclamation.

"Jungkook is calling me."

"Is he hurt?" He started looking around in panic, and I quickly told him that wasn't the case. He nodded and told me to be back for dinner as I ran down the stairs and across the field. I slowed down as I neared the clear combat field.

Where is he?

I looked around trying to spot Jungkook somewhere. A shift in the shadows caught my eye and I turned quickly to spot a huge wolf standing under the shade of a tree.


Yeah. It's me. Follow me.

I stepped forward eagerly, using my keen Werewolf sight to decipher more of him. He stood tall and proud, his tail curled. His ears were alert and his dark eyes were focused on me, watching me step closer. His fur looked dark but it wasn't black.
I moved closer to him and finally his fur's color became clear. It was three shaded; his fur was a mixture of hues of grey, white and black. He looked majestic.

I extended my hand when I was close to him, I intended to touch him, feel his fur but he didn't allow me to. Before my hands could reach his ears, he turned and started walking into the forest.

Still acting like an asshole.

I followed him, the sound of our steps the only sound in the now quiet forest as it had fallen dark. We wove our way through the tall trees and creepers until we reached a small clearing. It looked like it had been cleared for a bonfire, the remains of which still lingered. Jungkook stood, his back towards me, then he turned and plopped down on the ground.

Sit Taehyung. Or stand...whatever you're comfortable with.

I frowned at his words but found a nice grassy spot against a tree clump and sat leaning against it.

Do you mind if I stay in my wolf form? I find it easier.

I nodded at his query, waiting for his voice to echo in my head again. We sat in silence. He was looking everywhere but at me and I couldn't take my eyes off him. I wanted to touch him but I refrained from making a move because he looked so nervous and jumpy already.

This is not easy at all.

"What would make it easier?" I decided to break the silence and speak verbally. It was bothering me.

The wolf in front of me huffed and placed his head on his paws staring at me.

I don't know...I've never had to tell anyone about what happened all those years ago. The pack just knew, and although the other members, who joined, knew something had happened, they never asked.

"Where were you all day?" I asked as he stopped talking once again.

He looked surprised, his eyes darting to mine and away quickly.

I was run. I had to clear my mind.

"You went to run last night too. Right?"

Yes. It helps me clear my mind or forget. I don't know.

"I wish I could run with you." I said in a low voice, the whisper carrying to him in the silence.

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