Chapter 49

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Tae's POV:

"Stop that. I glared at Jungkook as he frowned back at me."

"Kook. I'm telling you to stop bouncing your legs and stop frowning at me!"

Jungkook sighed and stood up, "I think I'm going to go play a game."

"Maybe you should just go for a run."

His face fell as he contemplated his choices but then he just nodded, "I'll go for a run. Playing games might not help."

I got off the couch to give him a hug.

"Hurry back."

I felt his lips on my head before he was turning and striding out the playroom.

"He's so anxious. I wish we could do something." Jin shook his head and sighed.

"But we can't darling. He's going to remain anxious until something actually happens. Now we have a confirmation that a plan has been made and there will be an attack. Its not an empty threat anymore."

"Its been a week Joon!"

"Lets just focus on the movie." I interrupted before Namjoon could reply.

The others in the room shifted their attention back to the movie playing on the screen. Initially the movie night was planned to restore some semblance of normalcy. Everyone had been wound tight since the visit of Thorn pack members. Hoseok hyung had been training everyone harder for longer periods of time. Namjoon hyung was devising new counterattack plans every day.

"I don't think this is helping." Jimin said from his spot beside Yoongi. He looked at Yoongi, "Yoongi is not even here mentally."

We all looked as Yoongi just kept on staring at the screen, giving no reaction to Jimin's words. Jimin pressed closer to him, his lips brushing Yoongi's ear.


Yoongi jumped, clearly startled, his eyes darting everywhere around the room as we all fell over laughing. Jimin grinned at him, "Are you back with us now?"

"That was so funny. Let's do it again." Sehun and Momo were rolling on the floor laughing. Yoongi glared at Sehun who had spoken.

"Maybe we really should do something else." Namjoon smiled at Yoongi. Watching a movie is not helping. It gives our minds freedom to wander.

"Forget it. I'm going to sleep. You all can do whatever you want." Yoongi got up and stretched, pulling Jimin off the Loveseat. "And you're in trouble."

"Really now?" Jimin giggled as Yoongi started dragging him, only turning to wink at me.

"I want a mate too." Hoseok groaned.

"They all make me want to puke." Momo rolled her eyes. "They're so in love. It's sickening."

"Yeah. As if Namjoon and Jin weren't enough." Chanyeol chuckled.

"Yah!" Jin mock glared at them. "None of us are as bad as Jungkook and Taehyung."

"True." Sehun raised his head from his sprawled position on the floor.

Hoseok sighed, "But what doesn't make sense is why do we mate-less people have to see you all being lovey dovey?"

There were giggles around the room as everyone started speaking at once.

"Can we just watch the movie now?" Jin hyung yelled over the noise. "My favourite part is coming up!"

Everyone shut up at once and focused back on the screen to watch what scene was coming up.

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