Chapter 8

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T's POV:

I looked around the club's lower floor trying to be as nonchalant about it as possible. There were two guards following me and Jimin. Both of us had felt each other's anxiety while getting ready for tonight.

I could feel Jimin relax as soon as we entered the club. This club was our getaway. My father had a private lounge room aside for his use but he never came here, so Jimin and I had taken it upon ourselves to spend hours here every Saturday to drink and dance.

I looked around the club again but saw nobody from the Bangtan pack. I felt Jimin's arm around my waist as he leant down and asked me in a whisper if I could see my friends anywhere. I shook my head as an answer.

"Looking for me hot stuff?"

They both turned around to see a tall man, with a drink in one hand while the other was around a beautiful brunette girl. He gave a peck on the girl's lips as Taehyung and Jimin watched.

"I'll see you later sweetheart. I have an appointment with my mate here." He grinned at me as I felt the bile rise in my throat when he called me his mate.

The brunette smiled and turned away towards the bar. Then it was just me and him staring at each other.

He chuckled, "Your Alpha tendencies are pretty good for a latent."

My wolf snarled at the jab.

"Alpha Jihoon. And you must be my soon-to-be-mate. Let's go. We should get to know each other better."

His grin was making me sick to my stomach. All I wanted was to see Jungkook. I decided to send him a message as soon as I had the chance.

"Your friend can join us too. The more the merrier."

A growl actually left my throat when I saw him eyeing Jimin up and down.

"Ooooh. Are we possessive? Was that for me or for his sake?"

"Don't even think about it." I snarled at him.

"Feisty. That's why I want you. I saw you at your pack house, you know, in combat with a guy much bigger than you. You won surprisingly. Ever since all I've wanted is to break you down, and I'll soon get to do just that."

"Tae..." I looked back to see Jimin inching away from us uncertainly, "I'll just get myself a drink."

I looked at him, worry and fear evident in his eyes, as he turned his back on us. I didn't blame him for leaving me in this situation. He was best away from this Alpha.

"Let's go dance."

I was suddenly yanked forward into the sea of people dancing along to a beat. Jihoon roughly turned me around, my back to his chest and started dancing. It was more grinding than dancing and I again felt the bile rise up in my throat.

I pulled my hands away from him, surprised when he let go easily.

"Keep your hands to yourself."

"Is that how you talk to your Alpha? And mate?"

He again turned me around so I was facing him now. He pinched my chin in his left hand while his right arm dragged across my shoulder giving me goosebumps.

"You're not my mate!"

"I'm as good as. Yield to me wolf!"


His grip on my hand tightened and I could see his eyes darken at my actions.

A hand brushed my back, and I felt familiar tingles go through my body. My breath hitched as I heard a familiar low growl and smelt familiar scents. My pack was here. Jungkook was here.

"Jihoon." His velevety voice raced into my head making my wolf calm down at once.

The man in-front of me shifted his eyes behind me, his grip going slack before he roughly pinned me to his side.

"I said keep your hands to yourself!" I growled at him trying to get away from his side.

I faced forward to see Jungkook flanked by Namjoon and Yoongi. Their faces were devoid of any emotion, gazes fixed at Jihoon but I could still see the vein in Jungkook's forehead throbbing. His eyes flickered to the hand on my waist. 

"I'm surprised to see you all here. I didn't know they allowed just anyone inside. These are old friends of mine Taehyung. Show some manners."

I snarled in response. I heard familiar snarls from the three people in-front of us too, apparently offended at the word 'friends'. My eyes were fixed on Jungkook who looked like a God full of wrath that could burn down everything around me. His eyes caught mine for a second before they moved down to Jihoon's grip on me.

"It looks like he doesn't want your attention." Jungkook said in a low voice sending shivers through my body.

"He's just playing hard to get. Of-course my mate wants my attention. Don't you sweetheart?"

I saw Jungkook's hand close in a fist, and his eyes flash wolf. He was losing control. Namjoon sensed it too and stepped in-front of him.

"This is neutral ground, Jihoon." Namjoon looked back at Jungkook.
"Yoongi." He motioned to Yoongi to take Jungkook away.

"So? They still shouldn't let just anyone inside especially monsters like him." Jihoon's face broke into a grin as Jungkook's retreating figure came to a halt.

"Jihoon. This is not the time." Namjoon warned him in a low tone.

He turned abruptly but not before flashing sympathetic look towards me in apology before he hooked his arm into Jungkook's dragging him away. 

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