Chapter 25

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Third person POV:

They were walking back in silence. Taehyung was walking ahead of Jungkook, the sound of his paws soft behind him.
Taehyung had thought over it again and again. He couldn't understand how it was possible, that someone as gentle as Jungkook had killed someone.

The wolf behind me killed without thinking about it twice.

Taehyung turned his head to glance at Jungkook.

The wolf had his head down, muzzle almost touching the ground as he followed Taehyung. He was trying to sort out everything. Jungkook couldn't understand Taehyung; neither did he understand Taehyung's reaction. Taehyung had stilled once he had disclosed the worst deed of his life. 'I killed him.' He knew Taehyung would leave after that. He was a killer, a murderer, he killed his own father. Taehyung didn't run. He just stared at Jungkook, took two deep breaths, then stood up and brushed his clothes. Then he had looked at Jungkook and told him that they were late for dinner.

I told him I killed my father and... he didn't run? He reminded me that we were late for dinner. What the fuck?

Jungkook raised his head to catch Taehyung looking at him, he stopped walking. Taehyung took two more steps and stopped too. They were almost at the edge of the field; they could see the pack house.

They stood there for a while, staring at each other, their minds occupied.

Something wrong, muffin?

Jungkook's eyes widened as he heard Taehyung in his head, more so because of the use of the nickname.


"I get it, Jungkook. I get it. I've thought about it. I...I tried to put myself in your place. It could never be the same, I know, but I tried. I thought of my own mother, if it had been my father, if I had seen my mother I would have attacked my father too. I would have wanted to cause damage to him too. You didn't know your own power. It wasn't your fault."

Taehyung...what did I do to have you in my life?

"I would like to know that too. What good deed did you do that the Goddess decided to reward you with my amazing self."

The wolf looked at his mate for a second before he started wheezing.

You're amazing. Thankyou.

I know. Now go shower. You reek.

The wolf rolled his eyes, and bounded to the other side of the house, towards his room, his heart swelling with ahppiness. Taehyung stared after the majestic wolf until he disappeared from sight before he started up the stairs.

The kitchen smelled amazing. Five people were seated at the table busy with their dinner quietly. They were way too quiet. Taehyung immediately realized they had heard him and Jungkook, well him at least because Jungkook had been speaking to him through the link. He groaned.

"You heard that. Didn't you?"

Hoseok and Namjoon bent their necks further down with guilty expressions, Yoongi carried on eating as if Taehyung hadn't spoken, Jimin looked up and gave him a comforting smile but Jin just stood up, his chair screeching and enveloped Taehyung in a hug.

"Thankyou Taehyung. Thankyou. Thankyou. Thankyou for staying besides him." Jin gushed in Taehyung's ears as the other's face became red.

"Hyung...let go off me. I'm hungry." Taehyung whined, as Jin wiped away a couple of tears that had spilled. Taehyung sat down immediately, Namjoon gave him another one of his dimple smiles and Hoseok was beaming at him too. Then Taehyung remembered something.

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