A little about you

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SO here we go.

Introductions to the basic kinds of stuff:

(y/n): your name

(h/c): your hair color

(f/n)(l/n): first, last name

(e/c): eye color


Your family was very well-known for the extremely strong quirks they have though your parents never bother to become a hero. They started a business of computers and is really successful which makes you famous and rich (damn).

Your mother's quirk is having the power to manipulate with the flowers. She could allow the plants to grow suddenly, sneaking behind and capture the target. She was invited to be a teacher/hero in the U.A., however, she rejected the offer.

Your father is a strong one, too. Rumors had said that if your father actually wanted to become a hero he will definitely be one of the top 3 on the list. He has the power of calling upon a dimension as "dark dimension." It's where the target will be trapped within while having the thought of still being in reality but actually not. That's not what he was known for, however, it was his psychological mind controlling. He was able to take out one's deepest fear and enlarge it. The target will soon have a mental break down.

But now it's time for your quirk!

Your quirk has the following abilities:

Blossom manipulating

Sadly your quirk that was passed down from your mother only allows you to gain control over the plant of blossoms, but this still means your pretty strong!

- targeting

When your eyes are locked on a target, a tiny pedal of blossom will form within the one's body which will only be visible for you. When a person is targeted, all attacks launch by you will double the damage and decrease the opponent's moving speed by a little, or the attacks will deflect, depending on how you chose it.

- summoning weapon

By using this, you'll be able to summon blossom enchanted weapons which will give you a small healing effect when holding it. You are able to summon a bow or two daggers so far.

However, there was one thing that you learned. You know how to retrieve the arrows shot out of your bow, but after receiving the taken back power, your body will become weak and eventually faint.

Psychological mind controlling

- Mental Break Down

Your able to enlarge target's fear, same as your father. But the consequence is deadly. After using this quirk, you'll have a mental break down of your own, causing negative thoughts to flow inside you and gradually your mind and sanity will fade into black as the idea of hurting yourself will repeat again and again. And at some point, when your body can't handle the pressure anymore, you will lose consciousness.

- Taking out emotion

You are able of taking out a person's feeling, as well as sensing them in the first place. For example, if you saw a happy girl, you could take the happiness away from her and put it in yourself, where then your attacks will increase in damage since you gain confidence. (But you wouldn't do that to a cute girl who just got their new All Might toy right)

- dark dimension and reflection

Well, here your able to do as what your father could do, trap one within the dimension without them even noticing it. But then you also got another extra one, which allows you to reflect the view of the target. Like they might think that they are walking toward a lake but when behind it will actually be a cliff. This should be called an Illusion, however, it's named reflection since it reflects the scene that you want the person to see, which in this case you'll have to focus on the thing extremely hard or you might reflect something weird.

Another explanation, a simplified version, would be that for both, you'll be able to trap someone who still thinks that he/she is in reality but then actually not. In reflection, you basically send the person off to another dimension, which means that if there's a cliff and the person falls, the folk will still be in the world of reflection. However, for illusion, your power will combine with reality, meaning that the person will actually die.  

(I don't know if I explained it well enough??)

Memories erasing

SO this sounds amazing right, but trust me it's not.

- permanently destroy memory

You could completely wipe out one's memories or just a specific part of it. Even if it means to wipe out your teacher's memory of giving you a pop quiz on a Monday morning or to kill the scene of you losing a video game to your friend will cause you to be in a coma for a least a month.

Remember, this book contains spoilers to the anime and manga. 

All pictures are not from me!! (unless specify)

This is pretty much it so well I bet you're now feeling super good about yourself having all these powers. (or only me)

Then I shall see you next time.

  Nio X Untitled ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_  

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