【Forgotten.】Chapter 1

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It was a day of sunshine and it welcomed the arrival of the morning,  gently brushing me off from the dream that I had for the last couple of years. It wasn't a good one, to be honest, since every time I wake up, I'll feel tears starting to streaming down my face as I tense up and wiped it off violently as usual.

God you aren't supposed to cry, (y/n).

But no matter what, I still have to get off the bed and face reality, I mentally chatted to myself while figuring out that it will be nice if I go downstairs to greet my breakfast.

The smell of (favorite food) had welcomed me into the dining room as I saw two rarely-seen faces.

"Mother, father. Good morning."

They looked up from what they were doing and smiles appeared on their face as they replied.

"Good morning (Y/n)! Today's going to be a great day. Better let yourself have a little rest before tomorrow." said Mother. The sunlight shined on her face and covered it, which was a little too bright, making me turned away a little bit.

Father didn't say anything, but I could still see that warming smile of his.

"I will listen to your suggestion, mother," I replied and let out a small giggle as I should.

They seem pleased for how their daughter replied, so they returned to whatever they were doing before. Within an hour, they both said that an important meeting will be happening and they shall leave. They kissed me goodbye as they waved their hands to me in the front gate.

I smiled and wave back in return.

But at the second the door slammed closed, my smile evaporated as if it never existed. I sigh as the room drowns in silence once again.

It was almost 10 when I finally finished my breakfast and the series that I wanted to complete when a message from my friend, Tsu, poped up.

She asked me to meet at a park close by and said that it will be great if she could hang out with me, which I find myself having the smile back on.

I replied with a yes then quickly went upstairs to change. Before I left, I had a feeling telling me that it's going to rain, so I decided to trust it and carry an umbrella with me.

I closed the door and walk off to the park.

First chapter! How's it? I hope you could enjoy my writing style. Todoroki is going to show up soon so get your little heart ready. (No promises on not going OOC but I will try my best)

Nio X Untitled ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

【Forgotten. Reminded. Remember. 】Todoroki Shouto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now