【Reminded.】Chapter 19

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The next morning I woke up with my whole body feeling extremely sore.

Yesterday, we met up in the park and trained about our weakness all together. I remember that we even separated into groups according to your quirk.

I was in the team made of Tsu, Yaoyorozu, Mineta, and Kaminari. We each take rounds to figured who could be the guide for this team and the result was me.

So I taught them some of my renowned for dodging with extreme reaction time.

"The second villain shot their attack and you saw it, you'll have to dodge at your max speed," I explained. Then with no warnings, I turned around and call upon my dagger as I pointed to the nearest person near me which happens to be Mineta. I have done that all under a second and said with a kind smile. "At the end of the day, I hope you'll be able to see this coming."

All of them hesitated before replying while he just stood there shocked about the fact that he may have died.

The first thing we trained about was our speed, so we ran about twenty times around the park in total just yesterday, I recall that we were all panting hard. Next, we had started a competition with others.

When the day ends, we had Tsu as our winner and she'll be against me.

Her speed surely improved after this training today, each of her movement is being more and more unpredictable as I still manage to dodge them all. In the very end, we concluded the fight since we're both out of our energy as we all decided to call it a day.

During yesterday's training, I have become one with more energy and learn some tricks from each of them. Yaoyorozu, which I suppose I will call her Momo from now on, have taught me how to think under stress situations. I really appreciate her efforts and same as all who did to improve their quirks.

I really felt like a part of the class back then,

I left my home and headed toward Todoroki- no, Shouto's house.

Guess I'll need some time to get used to calling him this way.

I followed the instructions he gave me and reached a traditional Japanese-styled house. The house was in the same size as mine though, it appears to be older.

It's been a long time that I come back here again.

I rang the doorbell and waited for a response when within a few moments, I was greeted with a familiar voice that I once had heard thousands of ties.

"Who is this?"

"I'm (Y/n), Fuyumi sis, I came because of having quirk training with Todo- I mean Shouto."

There wasn't any next word, instead, there was a girl who came dashing through the door and hugged me almost to my death.

"(Y/N)!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" She screamed in joy. Somehow I suddenly have the urge to cry. After so long, she still remembers me and is willing to make a space for me n her heart. I happened to saw the bracelet that was the one I gave her. So I smiled and closed my eyes to enjoy this hug.

"I'm back, Fuyumi sis."

"Welcome back." She patted my head as breaking off the hug. "So you're going to have a quirk training with Shouto and Father?"

I nodded and she leads me to seat down while serving me a cup of juice, "I will go call him, wait." Then I was left alone.

Gladly, it didn't take Shouto long so I wouldn't have to spend my time with my dreadful thoughts alone. "Hey, (Y/n), let's go train in the yard?"


We then walked to the yard where the huge figure which brought me to shiver was the man standing there. I know the problem between Shouto and the man, though I didn't have a good idea on their relationship now.

"Nice to see you, (Y/n)," he said with his fire glowing brightly. I was scared to reply because of this aura that he was spreading. "Yes, it's a pleasure to meet you, sir," was all that I was able to force out at this point.

"Today we'll be training!" He's voice suddenly grew loud that made me jump. "Let's start by warming up yourselves with a ten lap run."

"Yes, sir." Then we went off running.

That's where my nightmare begins.

We trained for a continuation of more than five hours until we're given some time to rest. During the process, we trained on multiples of things such as targeting our enemies accurately, give off powerful attacks, and even how to defeat one without using quirk. It was a hard time but a lot had been learned. "We will continue by having a little competition of you two," he said before walking away,

"Here," Fuyumi was already waiting beside with two bottles of water. I was painting hard and it was difficult for me to find my next breath.

"Are you okay?" He asked with a concerned look.

"Yeah, I am totally fine."

When the ten minutes passed, my energy hasn't fully recovered yet and my left arm was hurting so much that it at be one of the reasons why my breath is still not regulated yet.

"So now let's have a little-" Endeavor was cut off by an incoming phone. "Sorry, I guess I don't have any more time."

He started to walk away before suddenly turning around. "It's nice to see you again, (Y/n)." All I can do was having my eyes in widen in shock while the boy beside me seems to have raised an eyebrow.

"Hope I made you reconsider about my son."

And he was gone.

Does he have to leave me off like this?

"(Y/n)...?" I can hear the confusion in his voice as I put on a smile, ready for the impact of his question. "What does he mean-"

"Look! It's already dinner time!" Fuyumi cut in and try to break the conversation apart. However, both of us stay in silence and awkwardness flooded the backyard. She looked at me then back to Shouto before waving her hands in the air. "Let's go eat dinner!!"

I opened my mouth for a reply but looks like my stomach had done it. I looked down in embarrassment.

Suddenly, I felt a pat on my head. Still, with my redness on my face, I looked up only to be visualizing the two beautiful heterochromatic eyes meeting mine. His gaze landed on my me and his hand gentling ruffling through my hair.

"I want to eat soba." He stated before disappearing in the distance of the hallway.


And I turned around to see Fuyumi insanely taking photos while on another camera was recording the whole thing.

"WHAT, FUYUMI-SIS!!!!" And we started our chasing as she ran in front of me. We passed almost every inch of this house until we both ran out of breath. We lay down on the spot beside the yard as we started to laugh.

I looked at her and she looked back, both of our smiles gazing like sunlight as the sun gradually faded, letting the darkness of the night in control.

Perhaps my life was turning better? Perhaps things will start to be fixed up again?

Perhaps I will be able to gain back my smile after all.

After we rested for like five minutes, we started dashing across the hallways again.

I will want a sibling as well...Brother or sister is both okay, I just don't want to be alone ;-;

Nio X Untitled ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

【Forgotten. Reminded. Remember. 】Todoroki Shouto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now