【Reminded.】Chapter 43

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I started to open my eyes again, but for some reason, it wasn't working much. I couldn't see or move, was my current situation. I didn't know where I am, am I back to the dream? Or am I already back into reality?

What about my memories? Am I losing them?

I started to focus on my past since that was the only thing I could do now. I thought extremely hard that the feeling of pain had returned to me. With that, my body began sinking inside this disgusting feeling of suffering but the inescapable fact that there wasn't a way out. I was stuck inside as if this body wasn't mine.

I tried to move my hands first, a finger by finger, but it didn't work. Then I started to open my eyes again, however, again luck wasn't on my side, or whatever it needs to open my eyes. Even though the lack of physical input cause me to lost the direction of where I could be, I could still sense something was around me. It was like the 6th sense or something like I felt the presence of something

or someone.

I didn't know whether my hearing was working normally now until I heard mumblings around my ears. The voice was extremely soft as if it could disappear any seconds from now. It was not clear enough for me to understand the words. It sounded like another language, one that I didn't know, however, by the tone of it I could tell.

It was something in a hurry, as if someone was calling me to wake up.

With the increase of the audibility of the voice, I started to move my body again. My hearing was improving and I wish so do my body. I tried to move my fingers.

And it moved.

I tried to curl my finger, one by one until my right hand had formed a grab.

It was working very well.

Now that I had control over my right hand, I tried to do the same with my left. I did similar steps as I slowly but surely, had my control over my body once again.

But something wasn't right.

I was grabbing onto something in my right hand, something soft and warm.

As I strengthen my pressure on the thing, it did the same back to me. The voice somehow became more understandable.

"Yes... you're doing it..."

I gather quite some information from this message. The voice was extremely soft, meaning it's probably not meant for anyone else but me. Second, it was a female's voice.

Someone I am familiar with.

The voice was so familiar that it recalls something inside, like memory or some sort, something I can't think of right at this moment. But I was extremely familiar with it.

So I tried again and again, using more force every time I tried to open my eyes. It didn't seem to work at first, but eventually, my effort had paid off somehow. Maybe with a little luck and force, I finally opened my eyes.

First, there was this white beam that was exploding into my vision as I blink several times to adjust to the brightness. Then there was this view.

This view of someplace I wasn't familiar with.

I was on a bed, probably a medical bed since so many tubes had been connected to my body. There was a clock on the further distance of the wall, yet my vision didn't come back fully just yet, so it will still take a while for me to see the time. I was surrounded by emptiness, no one seems to be around.

Where was this voice I just heard? I looked over to my left hand to see I was holding something.

It was a stuffed cat.

But surely that doesn't make sense? I mean, last time I grabbed it, it grabbed back, right?

I am pretty sure that stuffed animals can't move with today's technology?

Or am I still inside the dream?

A lot of questions had caught upon me as I regain my consciousness back. I still remember what happened in the dream, however, the memories were blurred. Even though I just experienced it, I somehow couldn't remember much.

Figuring out that wondering inside my mind probably wasn't the best choice now, I tried to take a clearer look.

I am inside a hospital, by telling the fact that there were tubes and I was wearing a patient coat. There wasn't anyone around, though I just felt their presence, they're now gone.

The only logical thing to do now is to stand up and go search for people.

I was believing this was a dream since the stuffed cat really messed my head up. I gently push my back up the bed and my legs to the side. I tried to put pressure to stand as this enormous wave of pain had been back down. With that, I saw there are bandages all around my legs. I was badly hurt.

That's when everything started to piece together.

The school, my friends, the vacation, the enemies attacking-

That's it.

I was wounded badly since I used the quirk that I wasn't supposed to use. Something very bad I learned as a lesson in my childhood. I swear never to experience the pain ever again in my life.

Yet I used it.

I still can't possibly recall the exact people of my friends but I think the pieces of information were enough already. They are friends that I worth risking my life for. They're true friends.

I tried again and again until I succeed to stand. I used the walls as my support and tried to walk out of the room. I glanced at the room one last time before leaving with the stuffed cat in my arms.

It was around 10 in the morning.

I walked down the empty halls and searched for other signs of living organisms. I opened patient room doors just to see if anyone else was here.

It seems like I'm all alone by myself.

Then once more, the soft voice appeared in my head again. "Head to the right," it said as a turn toward the right side appeared. I am sure by now that I was inside the dream since in real life I am sure that space doesn't band like movies.

I took a glance at the hallways, empty. I continued following the voice which led me to a room at the very end. The room was somewhere I was used to.

"It's you," I said, not surprised by how weak my voice came out as.

"Yes, how do you feel, (Y/n)?"


Then she sighed and said, "Dear,

I have failed my mission."

Yes, I know what you're thinking.


anyways a quick advertisement, if any of you like Haikyuu you should really check out a book my friend is starting at, it's called "The Promise" by Xx-ella-xX!!!

Yeah so have you realized I haven't put any author's note or stuff

Nio X Untitled ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ 

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