【Reminded.】Chapter 40

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I stood in front of the door.

Everything was white around me with patients walking by and nurses whose hands are filled with documents. I was hesitating to do the action that I knew I have no other way to escape it.

I didn't want to open the door and face the fact.

The hurting fact.

I didn't want to open the door and see that girl who was always happy, lifeful, and positive doing something absolutely the opposite now.

I didn't want to see that because of me she had to sacrifice herself in order to keep us alive and unharmed even though it's going to hurt her extremely badly.

After a mental struggle, I cupped my own cheeks. Come on, you can do this. So with a casual smile, I entered the room.

The sun was shining through the window as it landed on the vase of flowers which the A class had brought her yesterday. My eyes traced onto the girl laying on the bed with tubes connected to her. My heart aches, knowing that I was there, but I couldn't save her...

I hold back my tears.

Her (e/c) eyes are unseen and her skin was pale to a point of unhealthy. I slowly made my way toward the girl and greeted the boy as usual.

"Good morning, Todoroki," I said with a rather cheerful voice, trying to lighten up the mood a little.

The boy slowly opened his eyes from a nap and greeted back. "Uraraka," he nodded. I grabbed a chair and took a seat beside the male who looks like he hasn't slept for days. My eyes are still on the girl, even though it does trace off to him a couple of times.

Todoroki had been here ever since the accident. He spent most of the nights here, just staying beside (Y/n) quietly while holding her hand, still wishing she will wake up the next moment. His aura showed a great amount of blue. Each day, he will come directly to the hospital after school just to spend the night with his unconscious girlfriend.

"You should take some sleep, you look like you haven't slept in a long time," I suggested. However, he didn't reply, not even letting his gaze of the girl for a single second. I sighed and spoke again.

"If you don't get enough rest, you'll get sick. I am pretty sure (Y/n) wouldn't want you to be like this." Now he finally looked up and faced me.

"Why don't you go home and take some rest, I'll spend my night with her today."


I gave him a stare, hinting it's better if he doesn't fight back with me. Todoroki took the hint and sigh in defeat as he grabbed his jacket and left. Before he closed the door, he took a last look at the sleeping girl and walked away.

I smiled a little to myself. At least I got him to take some rest...

That's when the doctor walked in. "Are you Miss (F/n) (L/n)'s friend?" I quickly nodded as he started to explain the situation currently. "The result from the check had come out today so I figure it's best to inform you."

I waited for him to continue.

"From what we know, she has acquired an incredible strong quirk with an extreme takeback. Her quirk involved in her controlling another's emotion. However, from a data back in years ago, a similar event had happened with her. From last time, the result was her being in a coma for around a month. We could only predict that this will last like last time, a coma around a month-"

"Wait, this happened before?" I questioned with shocking eyes. She had experienced this pain before she knew the consequence...

"Yes, from what we have known, there was a file about her being in the same kind of state. The exact date was gone but we are sure it's around 5 to 7 years ago."

"What exactly happened?"

"I am sorry but I'll not be able to tell you since this is related to our patient's privacy."

"I-I...I understand..."

The doctor nodded and walked outside this white room and again, it became quiet. There were birds chirping outside and kids' laughter echoing in the hallways yet I felt this extreme heaviness inside my heart.

(Y/N) lied peacefully on her bed looking as if she's already-

already dead.

Tears start to drip from my eyes. I couldn't control the flow of it. She was such an amazing person, with her laughter and all such. She helped people cheer up everyone...She was the best friend I've probably ever met in my life...

So this silence continued.

Short chapter, but embrace yourself for the upcoming epicness and plot twists!

Btw its not the end if you're wondering :D

Nio X Untitled ( 」∠)_

【Forgotten. Reminded. Remember. 】Todoroki Shouto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now