【Reminded.】Chapter 42

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I could only wander around the place.

Even though I want to get out as soon as possible, it's not up for me to decide what happens in the future. I sigh and walk downstairs.

"Hey, wait up!" I heard the girl yelled from behind, which only increased my speed on moving to my destination.

"No, leave me alone for a while!" I replied back. I still heard her voice echoing around this place, however, I hid behind a wall so she couldn't find me. I saw her figure fade in the distance while still calling my name.

So alone I walked, trying to clear up my mind in this chaotic, messed-up world.

But if you think about it, how do I know that this is not the reality?

What if this is the reality?

Then is all these illusions of craziness just appeared because of my craving for a normal life?

What is normal anyway?

I was sunking deep into my thoughts. My feet were moving, but with no actual target. I guess I'll go for a walk.

I followed my usual path before Two got here and reached the garden of flowers. Still, the flowers are magnificent and seem as if time doesn't exist here. However, I didn't notice something that's off.

There were some flowers being stomped over.

Just when I was about to take a closer look, the bushes moved. Me, being the jumpy type, had been scared by the unknown behind the greens. I slightly moved back but still close enough to observe whatever that was behind it.

But then the movement stopped.

I waited for a few more seconds.

The bushes were motionless again.

There must be something there, either it's hiding or just ready to give me a jump scare...

I gently took a few steps forward. Staying as quiet as possible seems to be the best choice here. The bush was still remaining still, so I picked up a stick nearby to poke the area.


A cat has suddenly appeared in front of me.

I jumped again, but this time I fell down and accidently hit my head onto the ground. I mumbled an "ouch..." before glancing at the cause.

I guess it has chosen the second option...

Now that I got a good look at the cat, I find some interesting features that I've never seen before. It was very unusual.

But then again, what is "usual"?

The first thing that caught me was its heteroic eyes. One was grey while the other was in turquoise. It reminded me badly of something, or someone, significant to me.

But I just can't remember.

I tried to reach out for the cat, which in return, purred as it touches my hand by its own will. Feeling it's soft fur brushing along my hand, I feel my sanity slowly recovering.

"I've been through quite a lot now," I am now talking to the cat as it continues to purred. "I guess you're the only normal thing here, aren't you?"

"I really don't know why I am here...I couldn't remember anything...am I dead?"

The cat meowed and stop brushing over my hand as it slowly stands up. It starts walking in a direction without even glancing back once at me.


So I follow the cat, blindly to be precise, where eventually lead me to a little pond. It was extremely quiet there. I could feel the wind blowing, but I couldn't hear the rustle from the leaves. I can see the fish swimming in the water, but I couldn't hear the water splashing. I can see the cat's mouth opening and closing as if it's talking, but I couldn't hear it's sound.

"What-" I couldn't even hear the words I said as if I completely lost the ability of hearing.

Getting a little crept out, I started to speak even louder.

However, the sound never returned to my ears.

With the overwhelming fear of losing my hearing and the place that's unknown to me, I started to break down. I feel my insecurity growing bigger and bigger along with my anxiety, scared of actually losing existence even in this world that I wasn't familiar with.

"I don't want to let go yet..." I speak as tears start to pour uncontrolably.

That's when I figured.

I am inside a dream.

Me, in reality, could never tear up, that's a fact I remember truly. I start to search harder in my thought as more and more information appeared to me.

I was a student. A student whose dream is to save the world and remain peaceful.

I wanted to be a hero.

And with that, my fear slowly disappeared.

Until something else appeared.

I felt a hand on my shoulder as I turned around, in the face with Two. "Hey..." I tried to greet her, however, she didn't reply. Her face was numb as if the happiness and the excitements before were all just pretendings.

"Hey, Two I am sorry for leaving you out there alone just now..."

No responses.

"I needed my time to think alone..."

Still no responses.

That's when I found a chance to take a glance at the pond.

We do look exactly the same. With the same (h/c) hair, the same (e/c) eyes, and the same height, we were exactly the same as if she was my duplicate.


I noticed the movements of her mouth, but I couldn't understand what she was saying. I, however, could understand the hatred that's now exploding from her eyes along with anger and other negative emotions toward me. I started to back up a little.

I slowly walk back and back as what she is saying all along got more aggressive. I could see her shoulders uprising and other motion showing anger.

Then I slipped.

I fell into the coldness of the pond as I felt the cat jumping into the pond along with me. The last thing I saw was Two walking away coldly as if nothing ever happened before.

Then everything around me was cold and dark. I am dropping faster and faster now which seems definite that I am not in the pond anymore. The gravity seems not to be working as the acceleration got larger.

I grabbed the cat into my embrace as I got ready for the impact.


I am back.

Nio X Untitled ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_ 

【Forgotten. Reminded. Remember. 】Todoroki Shouto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now