★ Christmas Special ★

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It's a Christmas special! Brought to us by young (Y/n) and Shouto!

A Christmas Special

"Shouto!!!" I yelled as soon as I entered the door.

Today was Christmas Eve and gladly, I got the permission to have a sleepover at his house. We started to plan for this almost a month now. I have a great smile on my face as I saw the bi-colored boy welcomed me with a hug.

"(Y/n)!!!!" I giggled a bit before hugging back. I am looking forward to these two days quite a lot.

"(Y/n), go and have fun with Shouto, your dad and I will go to chat with Endeavor a bit before leaving, we will pick you tomorrow night." My mother said as she patted my head.

Even if our relationships aren't the one it used to be, I still got to act like I am a child who's loved and loved her back.

I nodded my head like I was supposed to and return my attention back to the boy who still had the bright smile.

"(Y/n)! Let's go to my room!" And I followed him to the room that I was familiar. His room was like mine, 'simple on the outside, but All Might on the inside'. I knew that he had a box under his bed where he kept all his toys of All Might. For us at the time of childhood, he's our hero. He's the one we wanted to become like when one day we grew up.

"Well, it's your time to be the villain this time, Shouto," I said as I picked up the All Might toy. He had let out a whine when he heard my saying but still walk off to find the villain cope. It was a white blanket sheet where we painted eyes in green and a scary mouth was drawn.

"HA HA HA! I AM THE VILLAIN!!! I WILl DESTROY ALL THE THINGS I CAN SEE!!" He started to run around the room and crashing the city models that we've prepared. Then when it's time, I jumped out and say my line.

"DON'T WORRY CITIZENS! I WILL SAVE YOU ALL." I faced the 'villain' as I did a pose which represents me ready for battle.

"WHY, BECAUSE I AM HERE!!!!!" Then we started to chase each other around the room. I am chasing Shouto while he just continues destroying the city models. Suddenly he slipped and I wasn't able to stop in time so I fall on top of him.

There was a silence.

But then we both burst into laughter. Every time when I am here, I can always let myself relax from all the pressure that my family gave me. Shouto was the most important source of my happiness.

"That was fun," he said as we are now both laying on the floor, looking at each other. I nodded in agreement as Shouto's mother asked us to eat lunch. We raced our way down there.

For the afternoon, Shouto was forced through a harsh training that his father had planned for him almost every time. This causes me to be alone in his room, reading books. But there was something that caught my eyes.

It was on the top of a shelf where I wasn't tall enough to reach, perhaps Shouto could. Base on my prediction, I bet it was something like a diary or a notebook that record his life. I shouldn't be doing this...

I sat back down on his bed with the book in my hand, excitement fills me just by holding the book.


Today (Y/n) and I planned the sleepover that we are planning to have next month. I am so excited for it to happen! I can't wait to have fun with her.


Today's training was especially harsh since I will have to make up my time that I spend on playing with (Y/n) in two weeks. It wasn't nice though, being forced to practice whole six hours without any kind of rest or what...

But it's worth it.


Tomorrow is the day! I can't wait now I can't sleep. I am literally writing this like in midnight but who cares, as long as she's happy, I'm fine.

But it shocked me when I see the next part of the diary.

It's obvious that (Y/n) wasn't in a good mood ever since the day I met her. I can always see that for some moment, the sadness showed in her eyes. Is it because of school? But I had chased away those bullies who always picked on her. Or is it because of ...of her parents? I knew that she was in a similar situation as me, but she never told me anything about it...

"(Y/n)! I finished my training will you like-"

I sprang around only to see Shouto standing, shocking from the book that I was holding.

"...uh, S-Shouto, i-it's not like what it seems t-to be...uh..." Then I started to freak out, only be calm by a warm hug.

"It's okay, you can read my diary, you're a friend that I trust." I was touched by his words. True, he will also be my friend, my only friend that I am able to trust fully.

"Also, I read your diary so we're equal."

"...YOU!!!" Then we broke into a chasing game again.

That night was a great night. We watched a movie but manage to fall asleep in the half. That night I dreamed about Shouto and me becoming one of the top heroes and we saved the world.

But I was wondering...How did he find out that I wasn't happy? Did I show it? Did I say something? I need to be better at this. I don't want Shouto to find that I wasn't happy. He'll be worry for sure which isn't okay. He shouldn't waste his emotions on me.

I don't worth his care. He is something that's completely out of my level.

I don't deserve him.

The next day I woke up in his arms. I yawned tiredly as I realized that he was already awake. "Good morning, Shouto," I said while still adjusting my eyes to the brightness of the sun that landed into the room through the windows.

"...Good morning, (Y/n)." His face was a little bit red.

"You okay? Are you having a fever? Your face is red," I moved my hand to touch his cheeks but instead he moved back before I was able to reach him.

"N-No I am completely fine! R-Really!"

We went downstairs to only find a huge Christmas tree with a lot of presents. We both exclaimed as we run toward the piles of gifts. My gift was a purple wrapped box where inside was a necklace with a cat paw in on it. It was made of something shining...I am pretty sure this was from my parents as soon as I figured that those were diamonds. Shouto's present was two more figures of All Might.

We both enjoyed our time as we turned around and with our brightest smiles, we said in unison.

"Merry Christmas."


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Nio X Untitled ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

【Forgotten. Reminded. Remember. 】Todoroki Shouto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now