★ A Random Special ★

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I saw this somewhere in the comment section and I just gotta do it-

"Where are you taking us to, (Y/n)?" My friend Ochako said while glancing at Tsu, who was also confused.

"This isn't the route to the usual cafe we go to, ribbit..."

"Just come along and you'll see."

The weather was warm, too warm to be exact. It was almost summer, after all, since most of the people who were walking on the street either have ice cream in hand or in search of somewhere with air condition. The place I was taking my friends to is a place especially made to solve our uncomfortable feeling of this hotness spreading in the air.

I glance up to the blue sky with no clouds whatsoever while using one of my hands to cover the sun rays. "We're almost there, trust me, it's worth it."

After another struggling of walking for around 5 minutes, we finally entered an alleyway that I was familiar with. Inside the way, it was cooler because of how the sun was blocked, but what awaits us at this end of the tunnel...

was hope.

"There it is!" I said excitedly and drag my friend quickly into the line.

"W-We have to wait in such a long cue...?" Ochako said while almost passing out.

"Maybe we should come back later...or tomorrow, (Y/n). It's too hot today, ribbit-"

"But it's like this every day! Eventually, we will have to line up for it..."

"We could go to another ice cream shop-"

I shook my head stubbornly. "Listen here, I have come to this shop a few times beforehand and they seriously have the best ice cream in the whole universe..." I tried to persuade while taking out two bottles of water, a significant bribing source on this hot day.

Soon, they gave up on wanting to leave and we continued moving on in the line.

It was, out of expected, moving fastly. Within a few minutes of wait, we were already able to see the ice cream flavors provided. I made up my mind settling on the (f/f), gathered what my other two friends want, and went in front to order.

The one greeted me in the counter was someone I knew, not only because of the numerous times I've welcomed the store but also how I knew her personally.

"I see you're here again! You even got your friends to tag along, that's good! What flavors could I get for you?"

I returned the greeting with a gentle smile and replied, "We would like a strawberry, vanilla, and (f/f)!" I placed the money into her hands.

"No, no, you don't have to pay! You always paid even though we are just doing this to help everyone through this hot summer day!"

It's amazing how kind the family was. Since this girl at the counter was a teacher, she started this idea of making ice cream for whoever wants to give supports to her students. It grew, however, to serving pro heroes, other teachers, and eventually everyone. She started this as something to help the others, therefore she never asked anyone to pay.

But I still do it as a return for their effort in helping this community. "Just take it as some kind of add-on allowance, then."

I went back to the group of friends who were temporarily saved by the air conditioning and head to the other side of the shop.

"Wait, didn't you ordered for the ice cream already?" The girl with brown hair asked who saw no sign on getting her ice cream.

"This is one of the specialties they have in the store! They make their ice cream fresh."

"That's a surprising cool feature, ribbit."

"That was one of the points that brought me here, to be honest. I heard it from others but they soon delete their information on the web because this shop was getting too famous..."


There was a group of customers who were in front of us. Their age was way younger than us, where they cheered for the performance of the ice cream making. Since we were much taller than them, we could slightly see the one in charge of making the product.



"Isn't that..."

We moved further in the line and contact the boy directly.

"Hello, Shouto!"

The boy was surprised at first, but soon relax his flinch when he saw I was the one calling him. "H-Hello, (Y/n)..."

"THIS IS SO COOL-" Ochako said as she starts to take our her phone to take pictures. "Hey, (Y/n)! Get closer to him, I'll take a snap of you guys together!"

We both sweatdropped at the scene.

"So this was what (Y/n) wanted to show us, ribbit."

The Todoroki family, obviously without their father, owns this little service of providing ice cream to the crowd. Fuyumi-sis was in charge of the counter, Shouto was in charge of the actual ice cream making and his brother was in charge to pour the water and milk into the cone he was holding.

The first time when I came here, I was trying very hard to hold in my laughter, but as time pass, I got used to it.

I just directly laugh at the public.

"Pffff," I giggled while snuggling closer to my boyfriend who was in the middle of making Tsu's vanilla ice cream while getting pictured by Ochako. He was forming ice shards with his cold side and creating a sorbet, the ice cream tasted sweet that was popular among this area.

"I-I didn't expect you to take your f-friends with you..." Clearly, Shouto was having a hard time being himself while making ice cream in front of his classmates.

I did once observed him secretly when he was making ice cream for the other kids, he was enjoying that time with a little smile on his face.

But right now this red-white haired boy was being nervous and embarrassed.

Our three orders were complete and it was time for the next group of the customer to move onward. "This is really good, ribbit!"

"I know! Especially how it tastes nothing like the other ice cream in the other normal shops, thanks Todoroki!"

I smiled at the sight that my friends were enjoying this and went to the boy to grab my cone. "They like it very much, and as always," I lick my ice cream which was in the well-done flavor of (f/f), "I like mine very much too. Thank you, Shouto."

Just when I was about to move away, a force brought me into an embrace.

"Actually, I haven't tried these myself yet..." I could feel his breath tingling around my neck as his grip on my hand got a little tighter, bending down slightly to snatch a lick from my ice cream.

"...It's not bad I guess."




Guess the ice cream doesn't help the hotness go away after all.

I am writing this so that I will have something to update- I am very sorry for the awaits of the endings. I will publish them once all together when I am complete so you wouldn't have to wait and read by parts :>

Yes, I made this in honor of that one comment in somewhere who they claimed they need an ice cream making todo AU.

Nio X Untitled ( 」∠)_

【Forgotten. Reminded. Remember. 】Todoroki Shouto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now