【Reminded.】Chapter 28

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I walked back to the school and reach the classroom. I opened the door gently only to find no one was inside. He wasn't in there.

I looked around those empty hallways in search of some clues where he might go. However, after a few moments, I find it useless to continue searching in these places. I walked back into the classroom and stood beside my seat.

Slowly and silently, I moved the chair behind a little so I can slip in the gap and take the seat. It was rather peaceful here, quite a place that might suit me when I want to have some time to myself.

The ray of sun was still slipping inside and drop on the desks by the windows, but instead of the sky being blue, it was dyed in the color of red and orange. And soon, without any warning, the sky will fade away and drift to the dark. My seat was not the one closest to the windows, at usual times I won't be able to gaze to the view that much.

But I have found the time.

I looked around this empty classroom. A smile had found it's way up my face as my (e/c) eyes glanced around the place.

This is a place where those of dreams come here, to try to be the best they could in order to protect this world from being dominated by the evil. This road that those chosen might be hard, however, it will not stop them. Those villains out there need to get ready to face those welly-trained heroes when the time comes.

Cause they aren't going to back up.

And neither am I.

I continued my chat within the subconscious when all of a sudden, a figure appeared below the walkway. From the window here, I can clearly see the person, holding his bag and walking away slowly in steps. It was the person who was searching for me.

So I, hoping to catch up with him, started to ran downstairs with my bag in my hand, ignoring Mr. Aizawa who was questioning what am I doing in this time and warning me not to run in the hallways as he finally sighs in defeat.

Finally, I caught up with the bi-color male.

"Hey..." I panted from the little run down the numerous stairs that had made my breath unstable. In return, his gaze widened a little.

"Why are you still here?" He asked his usual tone. I looked up at him and replied, "The same question goes back to you, why are you still here?"

"Also, I thought you're looking for me?"

He was still gazing at me with his heterotic eyes and within still contains the same calmness.

"Yeah I was looking for you...and since you're here now..." He took my hand with his left ones as he drags me off to a direction that wasn't the school entrance. And to add up upon that, his warm had intertwined with mine, causing my heart to skip a beat or two.

Without knowing where he'll take me, we finally reached the back of the school, where a little garden of flowers lies, exactly the place where I drag him out earlier this day to calm his mood.

There were flowers of nearly twenty different colors and to make it even better, the sun was still in its amazing orange form as it dropped its redness on those pedals, water dews on them had reflected the brightness, resulting the whole area being sparkly. It was magnificent.

I couldn't take my eyes off these flowers since they were just- "They're perfect, aren't they." The boy spoke with his usual voice with a tint of nervousness as he completed what I was going to mentally comment about.

"Exactly, that word fits so well," I said, still not letting my eyes off the incredible beauty in front of me.

It's actually amazing how such simple, common objects around your daily lives could yet also be this stunning in its grace. I walked into the garden of flowers and reached the middle of it. My soften gaze lied onto those pretty colors and I spun around in circles with my hands up a bit as a soft wind made my hair danced among the rhythm that I was going at.

A sound had brought my attention once more, looking back to the half red half white boy only to see he had his phone up and was taking pictures of me. "H-Hey!" I half screamed and half whispered, resulting a whispered shout to come out from my mouth.

He held his phone down only to revealed the Todoroki Shouto that I once have known, the boy with the brightest smile.

And there goes my heart, it went pumping extremely fast at the cuteness overwhelmed. Now, to see him back with his smile again, it has brought more and more of the sadness away from me. I looked at him in his blue and grey eyes, slowly understanding something.

He is like the flowers, stunning.

In usual times without the smile, he was like the flowers at usual times, people, or I to be more specific, already appreciate his existence and now with the magic of the sunlight, or his smile...

It's perfect.

"...So, I have something to tell you." He didn't look me in my eyes when he told out this sentence, instead, he has his head shifted to the other side with his hair covering his face, letting me unable to guess the boy's emotion right now from his expression.

He had one of his hand scratching the back of his neck with his other gripped hard in his fist. Concluding the above, I suppose he's feeling..nervous?

"Well," his voice cracks a bit which he tried again after giving a few coughs. "Well...I wanted to tell you something..."

I left out a giggle which caused him to glance back at me with a face of confusion. "You don't have to be so tense up, just say what you want," I said as the smile didn't fade on my face.

First, the boy was still looking at me with the same expression until he slowly finished processing what I had said, soften his gaze and his lips trends upward, he looked at me again.

"I love you," was something he said that was enough to make my face transform into the color of his left side's hair. I gaze at the boy both nervously and shockingly.

"I kind of liked you when we've first met, the cat incident. That time, my thoughts toward you were that you're quite a person I can get along with. And later, throughout these days in school, I feel something that I don't feel around the others, I can't get my mind off you..."

He took a deep breath before continuing onto what he had to say.

"You seems to have the power of calming me down even in those times where I am completely out of my usual emotions, you are like something that I find hard to let go the more I spent time with you."

"I think you're like those flowers..."


He walked toward me, still with his smile on as he slowly embraces me gently, like if I was something that's so fragile. "So here I want to ask you, will you (F/n) (L/n)...

be my girlfriend?"

In the exact moment, time seems to have stopped. Thousands of thoughts have roamed over my mind and were screaming insanely at myself to not accept it.

"...Yes, I'll be glad to become your girlfriend." I replied with the truest smile that I had since a while and embrace the boy harder, not wanting to let go of him.

There you go.

Took him 28 chapters...long enough.

Nio X Untitled ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

【Forgotten. Reminded. Remember. 】Todoroki Shouto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now