【Reminded.】Chapter 20

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"Welcome to Elster's Soba Restaurant!" The man at the counter, dressing in traditional Japanese clothing had greeted us.

"Three people's table, please," Fuyumi said as she held out her hand while pointing three fingers up.

We sat down in our assigned table as I look around the place. It was filled with families, lovers, friends, and people who were discussing business. The smell of the delicious noodles that will be coming up had filled the place among with waves of chatterings. I ordered (favorite food) while Shouto, as always, ordered cold soba. Fuyumi decided to go with the dumplings.

"You guys will do great tomorrow," Fuyumi said as she gave us both a confident smile. "I'll support both of you!!!"

"Thanks!" I replied while the boy stayed in silence. "Now," she continued with an evil grin on her face. "Let's talk about something that I was hoping to talk about since we have nothing to talk about now so..."

We looked at her in confusion.

"You two are currently dating?"

I spit out the drink that I was drinking and now the redness which is quiet frequence these days showed up again. "NO W-What are you t-talking about!!!" I spoke with a voice that was much louder than my normal ones.

Shouto first looked at her with his eyes widening, then looked aside with tint of pinkness.

"But you two seems extremely close so I guess it's a reasonable conclusion to make," Fuyumi said while clapping her hands together and giggling.

"I-I, uh, W-we..." I finally gave up and looked down as I replied so lightly that I doubt that I was even replying. "We're not dating..."

Then she sighed and mumbled. "When will my ship sail...?"

"H-Hey!" Then we both start laughing. Our order soon comes up and we finished our dinner fastly since the training that we had gone through. During the meal, we talked more about each other and our goals in the future, it was a great time.

We soon exited the shop and made our way home.

The lights on the street were beaming brightly and the weather was pleasant, quite perfect for a night with this walk. I looked up into the darkening sky, though the lights have disturbed my views on those shining objects, the stars were still visible, but barely. With all of us agreeing on walking on a more peaceful road, we took a long way round to our houses.

As we were walking, out of nowhere Fuyumi jumped, which scared me and cause me to trip.

Well, almost trip.

My hand was held by a strong one which brought me back to my steps as I look behind and saw him. "Thanks," I said.

"What is it, Fuyumi-sis?" I asked as I gain the normal beats in my heart once more.

"Just suddenly realized that there's a television show that I must not miss!!" By the time those words flowed into my mind, she was already running away from us while waving and shouting. "I"ll see you soon, (Y/n)!!"

And it was us who remains.

We started to walk again. Now was the time that I always have fear but it seems that I have been calmer with my thoughts now.

I wasn't feeling sadness anymore, instead, it was happiness. I like the time we trained together to now where we walk in silence down this road that is under the galaxy tonight.

It must be hard for him too.

I look over to see Shouto looking toward the front, unknowing that he was being observed by someone dearly. It must be hard to know nothing about me and yet still have to stay beside me.

Like these times, I will always want to make a wish.

A wish that I didn't know will it ever come true or not.

So I look above to the stars, what's now more clear and bright due to the disappearance of the beams. They were always so far away from us, but even so, we people admire its beauty because of its everlasting light that we might not be able to watch its end in our lifetime.

I whispered the wish in my heart.

Then reopening my eyes again, I let off a giggle to my childish action.

"Hey, Shouto." The boy turned over to focus on me.

"You're still wondering about what your father means just now, right?"

He had his attention on me fully now that I know even if the sky collapse, he will probably still wait for me to continue.

"...So the story goes like this. Your father always wanted you to become the number one hero and even in the future, he wants to have a grandchild who's going to be as good as you."

He only nodded.

"When we're still small, our families were extremely close because of your father's hope of getting a quirk marriage set." At this point, his eyes have widened a bit, I could tell he knows where I am going from here.

"He wanted you to marry me."

I took a deep breath before continuing with a smile to assure the shocked male.

"But it's okay. My parents were kind enough to respect my options and say that they will only allow you to marry me if I really wanted to. This way, we both can make our own decisions for our future instead of being controlled by one."

 I said as I placed a hand on his shoulder, patting him gently while ignoring this feeling that was like thousand knives piercing through my heart at this point.

"Don't worry, you don't have to marry someone you don't like!"  

I heard him saying something extremely quiet as he blushed.

"Huh? You said anything, Shouto?"

"No, it was nothing."

And we continue walking down this path. Within a few moments, my house was visible and it was time to end this day. Before I entered the house, I called him out once again.

"Shouto," I said.

"Let's make a bet." I smiled, trying to put on one with confidence.

"The Sports Festival tomorrow, if you win it, I'll tell you everything about us in the past."

"And what if I lost?" He asked while looking into my eyes. I tried very hard not to be lost in there again so I turned my head aside and reply. "Then I won't tell you anything."

"Okay," he replied in a calm voice.

"Good luck tomorrow!" I smiled and closed the door.

That night, I didn't sleep as early as I should. There was something bothering me. From my past experience of my instinct being scary correct each time, there wasn't any time to waste.

I picked up a pen and started to scramble what I wanted onto the papers as my mood drop more and more as each word came to existence. If my instinct is still correct on this then...

The only thing I could do is to accept it.

Repeatedly, I started this letter, again and again, rolling them and sending them off to the trash can again and again. It was hurting me at every moment but for his sake, I must continue.

That night, as the stars were still shining and the night was still, as usual, no differences could be observed as I finally gave up to the tiredness.

Chapter 20 Yeah!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

*wink ((to those who understand the hint in this chapter. I must not say much, now, continue onto your reading! 

Nio X Untitled ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

【Forgotten. Reminded. Remember. 】Todoroki Shouto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now