【Forgotten.】Chapter 4

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It was such a strange feeling to be here with him, once again, yet feeling so distanced.

I looked down at the cats now who are meowing again from the little nap that they had took. I was actually amazed by the fact that these two little cute adorable organisms had kept me calm even beside Todoroki.

I never disliked cats, in fact, I enjoy to be accompanied by them. It could be traced back to my early childhood, where I had found a white cat trapped in a creak between the trees. I helped it out and decided to adopt it. I spent almost all of the time with it and walked the neko to the end of its life.

"My name is Todoroki Shouto," said the male so suddenly, causing me to almost tripped. His eyes were looking forward but I can still observe the scar, the eyes, the face...people change huh.

"(F/n) (l/n). Nice to meet you Todoroki."

At this point my heart had sunk to the place where it shouldn't be. I just want to get home as fast as possible before this mask of mine started to shatter.

"Could you help me name these cats?" I asked him, smiling as the side of my eyes saw the park that I recognized. Almost home.

Todoroki have slowed down his steps a bit, thinking thoughtfully as his final answer was...



"I think its a very nice name."


I mentally scolded for myself coming up with such a topic.

As we chatted more about ourselves, we arrived my house.

"Thank you for taking me back," I said as I give a smile to him.

"Thanks for adopting them," said Todoroki with no facial expression as he puts the umbrella down and starting to walk away from my house.

"Wait!" I cried, but he was already off my sight as I quickly find the key and opened the door, put the nekos down, and took the umbrella up. I sprinted a little just to keep up with him but I slipped.

There was blood on my legs, I winced in pain as I saw a hand reached out for me.


I was brought back onto the ground and handed the umbrella to him.

"It's raining, you should keep the umbrella."

He was about to shrug it off but then he glanced at my wound. Without another word he picked me up and carried me back to the front of my house, setting me down on the porch gently as if I was made of glass.

"You don't have to bring yourself out just to give me an umbrella."

His eyes weren't full with the coldness anymore.

"...But I will take this if it makes you happy." He again walked away, with my blue umbrella in hand this time, as he waved goodbye without turning his head and faded in the distance.

But that was it.

I got back standing, ignoring the pain and went inside my house, collapsing on the floor.

Thousands of emotions washed through me. Sadness, happiness, uneasiness, surprised, depressed... Most of the feelings are those which I couldn't find words to describe it.

He didn't remember me after all.

I tried to find a way to let my mood come out and be released, but I just couldn't. All I can do was looking down on the floor in silence. No tears could flow down my eyes as the only thing I could do is mentally tries to control myself again.

No memories of us remained in his mind.

Nothing was left.

I was hugging myself but I still can't express this emotion, not even a tear. I just have this emotionless face on me while my mind was actually going to self-destruct.

The two cats that I just brought back were beside me now. They walked in a circle around me, meowing and purring for my existence.

He has forgotten me.

But then I smiled.

I smiled in this time when I am almost out mind. It's not because of happy, nor sad.

Disgusted, as mind teaches me a perfect word to fit this situation. I was disgusted by myself on how weak I could be sometimes.

But then life still goes on and there's nothing to do about it.

Only can continue living under the hatred I have for myself.

"You must be hungry," I stood up and walked to the kitchen where these nekos followed me. I searched for something in the fridge that will be suitable for them. 

Ah, there's a few cans of tuna. That'll do.

I bend down and put the tuna in a bowl among the milk that I also poured for them. They rushed around the dishes and start to glob down the food. I watched them eat a little before I went to the toilet to clean myself up.

I carefully untied my bandages which were on the top part of my left arm. A deep mark, I stared at it for sometimes. I rinsed it with the cold water which brought me back to my sanity. I put on the medicine and wrapped my arm back.

Then I looked at myself in the mirror. I saw a girl with (h/c) colored hair and two (e/c) orbs. 

Maybe I should have more faith in myself.

Nah, who am I kidding?

I went back to my room and lay on my bed.

Tomorrow is the test and may the thoughts please leave me in peace at least for tonight.

At least for tonight.

At least for tonight.

At least for tonight...

At least...

For tonight.

Nio X Untitled ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

【Forgotten. Reminded. Remember. 】Todoroki Shouto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now