【Reminded.】Chapter 30

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I walked toward the metal door and spin the doorknob.

Surprisingly, it wasn't locked.

What? What kind of people kidnaps someone and left the door unlocked? I slightly opened the door and peek through the gap. Outside was a table with a vase of flowers on it, as well as a bowl of fruits. From the looks of it, these all seem to look like what a normal household will have contained. Cracking the gap larger and larger, I gently moved the door until it's wide open so that I could slip out the room.

There was a note on the table which caught my eyes. On it, was words written which have shocked me. "You must be awake, (Y/n), please, find me in the laboratory room downstairs," was all written on it. I spin my head around to see if anyone was around, there was none. I brought my attention back to the sheet of paper.

How did they know my name?

Unknowing what to do, I stood in the place for a few minutes until I heard a crash from downstairs. I jumped as soon as the sound entered my ears, it was the shattering of some glass I suppose. The person wanted me to meet in the lab downstairs, which means there's actually someone there.

Hesitantly, I begin to move down these stairs and eventually reached the bottom floor. It was darker than the floor above, with no moonlight to guide my way, I put my hand against the walls so I could, hopefully, find the entrance to the laboratory.

Something was kicked as I bend down to check what was on my path. To my luck, it was a flashlight, so I turned on the switch. The light beamed for a few seconds before the area went back into darkness...and the light beamed again. It was a bit broken, but still useable, so I continued my way toward the place.

It was a very long hallway that I have to go through which finally, at the end of it, showed me the place I was looking for. There was a switch, which I guess was the light switch, as I flick it upwards.

The place was soon covered under brightness as I felt my heartbeat regaining its pace. For a second, I thought it was going to blow something up. Now that the lights are on, I took a look around the place once more.

This part of the house was nothing like the last one, it was completely different and don't suit a normal house. There was definitely something in disguise. I averted my gaze back to the door in front of me. I touched the door gently and hoping it will open, however, it didn't.

Instead of asking some kind of password, there was a voice that rang through the hallway. "What is your name?" A rather robotic voice asked as I replied with cautious.


"Beep." There was an X showing on a screen beside the door as I back a few steps. "Please say your full name."

I wasn't sure about this, but I still let go my real name. "(F/n) (L/n)."

This time the screen appeared with a circle as the door opens up slowly.

"Welcome, Ms. (L/N), to the REFLECTION Headcorter Alpha."

The door slides open, revealing the machinery all over this place. This area was huge, nothing like where I was just now. Surely this was bigger than a football court- no, it could be two of them...or maybe three?

I gazed around the place as an arrow appeared below my feet, I suppose it's there to indicate where I should go. It took me like almost fifteen minutes to finally reach the end where that arrow no longer appears. During my way here, there was a lot of machines, computers, and inhibitors among with tubes around these place.

【Forgotten. Reminded. Remember. 】Todoroki Shouto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now