【Reminded.】Chapter 24

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We were given a lunch break before the rest of the day continue with its competitions. They had announced the last one which was one on one duel.

I was so looking forward to defeating everyone and stand in the first place.

But before anything could be done, I must eat lunch first. I walked over to the cafeteria where I saw my usual group of friends. "(Y/n)!!" Mena had waved her hands around to get my attention. I smiled in return as I make my way over to them.

"The next challenge coming up will be one on one, huh?" Ochako sighed as she stirred her noodles around, looking at herself in the reflection.

"I am sure we'll all do a great job, Ochako-chan," Tsu said with a confident voice. I nodded as I support her saying. "Yeah! Even if your result didn't come out as expected, just know that you at least tried for it!" I put on my smile to assure her.

"...you guys are right. I should have more faith in myself!" Ochako said as she clings her fist tightly. "Let's all do our very best!!" and there she is with her flame glowing widely.

"O-Oh!!!" We all replied, somehow I felt like this have happened before. Ah, the time before the sports festival is it?

I finished my lunch rather fastly as I left my group of friends in order to search for him.

Shouto wasn't acting normally as he would and I will say that he was more...filled with emotions. It was something I find strange since usually, he will just shrug it off.

What could be the cause of it? I paused my footsteps but no matter how many routes I went, it only ends up with the same ending. It must be something to do with his father. I walked around all the places that I can possibly imagine him being at and yet, I didn't saw him anywhere.

So it was the time for the last challenge.

"Audience! Let's welcome again our sixteen students that have made it so far!" After Midnight finishes her sentence, the crowd was yelling in excitement. "Now our final match, as we informed you all earlier, will be one on one!" She turned and faced us before continuing. "You could win the match by using two ways, either to defeat your rival to the point that they decided to give up, can't fight back, or you pushed them out of the line."

"Now, let's start!" The roars from the crowd that urge us to start have brought me back to my state of being nervous. I have come so far, now what if I fall here?

There isn't any room for thoughts now, get yourself together already!

I looked around to see Tsu giving me a smile on the seats above. I returned it with a rather cheerful one to cover up my slight fear that I was feeling.

The first match was between Midoriya and one from other class, Hitoshi Shinso. I was competing with Kaminari in the third match where I was eagerly coming up with a plan and didn't even focus on the match.

Suddenly, there were gasps from the crowd which brings my attention back onto the match and was shocked by what was going on. He was walking toward the line by himself.

But before he could take the final step, he stopped. I sigh in relief, it'll be a shame if the match just ends like this. He turns around and finally brings Shinso out of the line.

"The winner is Midoriya!" I cheered along with the crowd to see Ochako doing the same s I did. I glanced over to the girl and saw a light color of pink on her face. Looks like love is blooming. I giggle to myself and continue to watch the next match with was...

Sero verses Shouto.

When the match started, instantly Sero has shot out tapes to surround him and tried to spin Shouto out of the line. With my 'good' eyesight I was able to see his face.

【Forgotten. Reminded. Remember. 】Todoroki Shouto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now