【Remember】Chapter 46 (GE)

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It's confusing, to predict what will happen tomorrow, but either way, I am not going to have a pleasant afternoon today.

The event that had occurred last week was a trigger to the world, a sense of fear that heroes can no longer face the evil and maintain the peace within. Each president of the country has come to a plan together, to defeat the enemy which is located mostly in Japan. The alliance help and such, however, it still seems to be never-ending darkness.

Schools had been canceled and companies have been shut down. The streets were either empty or occupied with villain activities.

It was as if it was the end of the world.

The class of 1-A and others had been decided to accompany heroes in support to defeat the crimes, yet the safety of the students was put on top priority.

"(Y/n)! Right side!" A warning from Izuku had caused me to flinch and dodge the knife appearing below me. We are currently experiencing the evil first hand, facing the villains along with other pro heroes.

Within a flash, our target had disappeared within our vision once more. "This is a tough guy, huh..." I mumbled under my breath. He had been striking the banks and receiving numerous amounts of wealth. Even though we successfully figured his moves and caught him in action, putting him into jail is still a difficult thing to do.

"You guys already did a great job, it's not an easy thing to do to face that kind of guy." Midnight had come rushing by our sides, checking if we were okay. "But..."

We gulped.

"CAN YOU GUYS NOT RUN OFF ON YOUR OWN NEXT TIME???" Since we directly witness an old lady's purse got taken, as us students who want to become a symbol of justice in the future tomorrows, we couldn't possibly let it flow by. "I-I...We're sorry..."

"We will be more careful next time..."

"Man...please do. What if they were other villains already inside this alley? What if it's all just a trap? Considering the possible outcomes is also a part of the pro hero's job."


The hero sighed before her smile appeared once more. "I do admire you guy's strength to chase after him, though." My eyes glittered and a smile appeared.

"It's almost night time, I'll get you guys home."

Midnight quickly ended the fight with her amazing quirk which we responded by sweat-dropping in return.

Surely I was feeling tired by then, without sleep for continuous of two nights. The day already way passed dark and almost at a point of turning to bright once more. I struggled to fall asleep for that same reason and even more.

I was the cause of such a world.

It is common sense to realize that without my existence, the world will probably be a brighter one. The world will probably not experience Two's devouring blackness that she brought along, the world will probably not scream in loss of innocent lives, the world will probably turn into one where our society could continue even in times of evilness.

But it's all because of me.

It's all my fault-

A sudden ring took off from my phone. It was a familiar number, a person I want to be yet controversy at the same time. In the end, I couldn't possibly let it flown by, so I accepted the call.

"(Y/n)?" The same calm, steady voice came from the other side. Somehow it was what I needed, someone who can be there for me at the toughest times.

"Shouto...why aren't you asleep by this time?"

"Tomorrow is a day off for me, my father wouldn't bother me, and I got nothing to do than thought about stuff..."

"Haha, that's relaxing, what kind of stuff?"

There was a long pause before he continued his sayings.

"...Are you...really okay?"

For some kind of reason that I could never be able to describe in words, the feeling of warmness yet sadness had over washed me to a point where I was stunned. Reflecting on the past few weeks, ever since the incident, I did change a lot.

I started to push classmates and friends aside, hoping it will help them when facing my predictable death that's about to occur at any moment, I pushed him away too. He's asking for time to spend together was excused with my explanation of the need to stay alone for some time.

And in those times, I fought against myself.

Shouto did all he could to be by my side when I needed him. It includes little letters he left on my desk every morning saying sweet stuff about what the sky yesterday was. I never really thought over those actions, though.

Now that I realized something, it furthermore stopped me from replying.

He cares about me.

"(Y/n)? Are you still there?"

At last, something I hoped to see happen. It wasn't a good sign, but it's a sign of improvement. Because of him, I am able to enjoy times of happiness, because of him I am able to look forward to tomorrow, and because of him,

I am able to show my emotions again.

Those long lost tears that ran down my cheek which were only present in the overwhelming desperation from my nightmares had decided to stay a little longer at its first presence after years.

So I smiled within my tears.

"I'm fine, really!"

My sadness must be heard through the sniffing that I was trying to hide when his next up tone was worrisome, "(Y/n)? Tell me if there's anything wrong."


"You know I'm always here for you, right? I know...I know you have been through a lot. Maybe I am just too blind or unable to solve the puzzles from the details you left behind, but this time, I would like to be there with you."

Those droplets weren't showing any signs of stopping. His words didn't help stop the continuous flow of my tears, it only strengthens them up.

Man, why must you be this amazing, Shouto?

A sudden form of sweetness caught up my throat. Then I started to giggle. It started to grow into something larger, laughter, then to something completely opposite, a desperate cry.

I didn't know how to control these waves of emotions, even if I was able, it was a long time ago. Now they are like strangers for me, something unfamiliar that I will have to eventually cope with now they had returned.

It wasn't like I hate it or what, just a tsundere me wouldn't admit it I guess.

There was just too much going on.

At last, I spent the night with him together over his calming voice. He taught me how to be friends again with these feelings by talking about how he ate delicious soba that he swears to bring me next time.

In a night like this, it's common to feel alone.

However, today, I am not feeling my usual loneliness. It's something greater than this, a fear that wouldn't mind swallowing everything I have up till now. It wouldn't even blink in the death of justice or a child's dream.

But for now, I would like to sink myself in this imaginary peace.

"I'll always be here for you," was the last thing I heard before I drift into my dreamland.

I am thinking of doing a comic over my summer vacation this year hmmm

Nio X Untitled ( 」∠)_

【Forgotten. Reminded. Remember. 】Todoroki Shouto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now