【Forgotten.】Chapter 3

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It was raining by the time Tsu and I exited the shop. My instinct has always been accurate, even with this time.

The grey sky dropped rain, it's my favorite times of those days. The smell of the soil blending with the water, the voices that the droplets sing out when they hit the ground, and the coolness of the slightly hot weather today lighted up my mood.

Tsu has forgotten to bring her umbrella, which I offered to take her home but got denied by the reason that she, too, likes this weather. She prefers it more to be a part of this rather than hiding away from it.

"Well then (y/n)-chan, I will see you tomorrow. Good luck on the test!" Tsu smiled and put her finger on her chin before she jumping away.


I walked down the streets, wanting to stroll around the community before returning back home.

Tomorrow will be the test that decides whether I will enter U. A. School or not. It's not like I always have the dream of entering it, it's just an idea that popped up my head as I heard about my classmates talking about it in kindergarten, so I decided to give it a try. 

But since I am marching toward this goal now, I might as well try my best on this.

I danced between the rain, humming a melody that I remembered from childhood which my grandmother has sang to me every afternoon.

I can hear a gentle sound

Soft as the murmur of this flowing river

As the wind caresses my cheeks,

Those sweet memories start blurring together.

The distance sky

Awakens me in the memories on the edge of oblivion

With a searing pain to my heart

And thus my tears fall

The season of the white cherry blossoms

Now exists only in a faraway dream

In that dream, the dancing petals whisper to me

Words I can never forget.

(From song Yume to Hazakura 夢と葉桜)

This song made me recall about my grandmother who loves me truly and not faking it. She always baked the best cheese cakes for me and read stories for me and-

My emotion suddenly got out of control as I feel sadness washing over me. I continue walking down the street without thinking about it furthermore.

But then, I saw someone who was quite familiar to me in the distance, a person I could never forget.

Todoroki Shouto.

And there he is, so close and true.

I had paused my steps just to see if this is actually the reality but not a dream.

I saw the boy with bi-colored hair bending down close to a box. His eyes locked on something that he was holding, something that is out of my sight so I decide to move closer for a look.

My hands were trembling, perhaps from the nervousness of actually being close to the cause of me waking up to tears every morning or the fear of some part of me will die when our eyes meet, however, I will rather blame it on the coldness brought by this rain.

My mind still was a mess but I still decide to walk up to the male.

I held out my umbrella so now he could also be cover by it and wouldn't get wet.

The boy seems to notice my existence as he slowly turns around and targeted his eyes on mines. I realized that I was stabilized by the gaze since I tried to say something but the words got eaten back again.

There was a faint sound of a cat meowing.

"...neko?" I questioned as I began to relax a bit and started tracing the source of the sound. I looked over his arms and found out that he was holding a white cat with orange dots.

"I found them in the box," replied the boy which cause me to jump a little, my attention was so focused on the cat that I forgot he also existed. I eyed the cat again and this time, finding another black one in the box.

"...they're shivering..." I whispered as I handed my umbrella to the male. He helped me to hold it up while I took out a scarf from my bag which I had always forgotten to take out.

I took the cats from his hands and the box, wrapping them in the scarf and hugging it within my arms to provide heat.

Somehow, I feel sadness merged from my heart again. Seeing those cruelly left nekos, I let out a small sigh. The cats meowed in the comforting temperature as they slowly drifted to sleep. A small smile of satisfaction has slipped from my lips as I watched the two creature breathing stably.

"What are you going to do about them?" asked the boy.

"I think I will take them home. It's not a good idea to leave them in a rain like this. We could send them to the pet center...but  I think they deserve a nice house which I will try to provide them."

"I'll take you home then."

"Oka- wait what?"

"I mean you got no hands to hold this umbrella so..."

And there again, the strange feeling of staying beside Todoroki have made my heart beat faster.

"O-Okay. Thanks for your help."

He just nodded in response as we two walked on the street which was being washed by the rain.

He had appeared. The cinnamon roll had appeared.

Nio X Untitled ∠( ᐛ 」∠)_

【Forgotten. Reminded. Remember. 】Todoroki Shouto x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now